DConf 2018 Hackathon -- now open to the public free of charge

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 14:04:29 UTC 2018

Yesterday, I made the announcement that the Hackathon would be 
open to anyone willing to pay $100 to get in. That idea has now 
been nixed. Instead, anyone can come in for the full day 
completely free. It's like a big Munich Meetup!

So, if you are in the area and can't make the conference, now 
you've got even more reason to drop by the Hackathon. If you know 
someone in the area who might be interested, drop them a line 
about it and encourage them to go. The food provided is for 
registered attendees, so those coming in for the Hackathon will 
need to bring their own lunch, but other than that they have 
access to the entire day, from the opening talk to the time they 
kick us out.

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