unit-threaded v0.7.45 - now with more fluency

Dechcaudron no-reply at no-email.com
Tue May 8 14:13:48 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 03:57:25 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:
> Fluent assertions have one major advantage over using 
> pascalCase assertions: There is no ambiuguity about the order 
> of arguments.
> When using e.g. assertEquals, how do you know wheter is is 
> supposed to be assertEquals(actual, expected), or 
> assertEquals(expected, actual)? The first one is the only one 
> that makes sense wirh UFCS, but it is not clear directly from 
> the API. On top of that, some popular Frameworks (I‘m looking 
> at you, JUnit...) do it exactly the other
> way round.
> With fluent assertions, you don‘t have this Problem, it is much 
> more clear that it should be actual.should.equal(expected) and 
> not expected.should.equal(actual), because it fits naturally in 
> the chain of ufcs calls.

Okay, I think I see your point, although it looks to me the added 
verbosity and code complexity is not really worth it, provided 
you always use UFCS. But of course, that cannot be easily 
enforced I guess.

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