libfirm-d - D bindings of Firm, a compiler IR based on the SSA form

Basile B. b2.temp at
Mon Apr 29 10:57:12 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 12:04:06 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
> I've recently ported libfirm to D.
> This nice C library, developed at the Karlsruhe university, 
> allows to build compiler back-ends, using the SSA intermediate 
> representation.
> In theory it could even be used to make a new D compiler 
> version, e.g "FDC", although this is obviously of no interest ;)
> So this is mostly to make JIT scripting engines or back-ends 
> for toy languages...
> See:
> -
> -
> -
> Note that unfortunately this library is LGPL2 licensed, so much 
> less usable than LLVM-d, which is a similar but a more 
> mainstream library.

With the recent release of dstep 1.0.0 I've managed to make a new 
minor release that only auto generate the sources (v0.1.0). It 
was obviously not a good idea to maintain all the headers up to 
date manually, although this permitted to learn a bit the API.

Note that building must be done at least twice the first time 
because of a DUB limitation.

other changes :
- dub package on code dlang is gone, it must really be a git 
stuff now
- it's much faster because build is optimized using git hashes.
- location changed due to GH account renaming

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