my first kernel in betterC D

Norm norm.rowtree at
Mon Jun 17 04:01:05 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 16:14:26 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> I spent a few minutes on just turning the C code to betterC D - 
> was curious to see if it would work.  It seems to.  I didn't 
> try loading with GRUB.  The dub.sdl isn't quite right, so best 
> run ./
> Cannot push to - it complains about registering 
> a forked package, even after renaming.

I tried mine a while back using betterC but given I was already 
running without druntime the only noticeable difference was I no 
longer required these hacks;

// So we compile without druntime
extern(C) __gshared void* _d_dso_registry;
extern(C) __gshared void* _Dmodule_ref;
extern(C) __gshared void* _d_arraybounds;
extern(C) __gshared void* _d_assert;
extern(C) __gshared void* _d_unittest;
immutable auto VIDMEM_BASE = 0xFFFF8000000B8000;
static immutable ubyte egaBlack = 0;

GRUB worked as before for both 32 and 64 bit. But that doesn't 
mean much because my kmain was already extern(C) so the linkage 
was fairly typical.


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