NanoSVG port

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at
Fri Apr 10 17:54:16 UTC 2020

On 2020-04-10 17:23:28 +0000, Adam D. Ruppe said:

> On Friday, 10 April 2020 at 17:18:05 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
>> Repro [2] is gone... Does anyone has an idea where the code could be accessed?
> I also maintain a copy of it:
> minimal dox

Ah, good.

I'am/was confused because I don't understand how "NanoVega.SVG" fits 
into the picture. Is it a 2nd SVG parser? Is it using svg.d? Why have 

> but the very bottom of that link shows svg -> png with my libs easily.

Ok, I will take a look. Most likely I'm going to use a different 
rasterizer... thanks a lot so far!

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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