Talk by Herb Sutter: Bridge to NewThingia

IGotD- nise at
Mon Jun 29 10:31:43 UTC 2020

On Saturday, 27 June 2020 at 15:48:33 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> How to answer "why will yours succeed, when X, Y, and Z have 
> failed?"
> Very insightful talk.

Back to C++20 and beyond which Herb Sutter refers to a lot. Is 
C++20 a success, or even C++17? Does anyone know this? Modern C++ 
isn't a programming standard so what I've seen is just a mix of 

I have lost track of all new C++ features and now he even refers 
it as "NewLang" what that is. Is that Bjarnes famous quote 
"Within C++, there is a much smaller and clearer language 
struggling to get out."? I believe it when I see it.

One thing that isn't mention that is very important for a 
language to succeed is libraries. C++ has a lack of standard 
libraries which forces the programmer to look for third party 
alternatives, which are of varying standard. This leads to that 
the there is no particular programming API standard it must 
gravitate to the lowest common denominator. This in contrast to 
Phobos which is more complete.

Does C++ need more language features or does C++ need better 
standard libraries? I would say the latter. If it weren't for Qt, 
C++ would just be a skeleton language. Qt is a great library and 
was that even before C++11 which proves that the new language 
features weren't that important.

What do you think, did "modern C++" really succeed?

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