webkit2gtkd 0.0.3 - WebKit2 bindings for GtkD

Streaksu assemblyislaw at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 15:28:56 UTC 2020

I found myself recently for a project of mine in the need of 
bindings for the amazing Webkit2GTK library for D, using GtkD for 
ease of use, and now that they are working, sure someone can also 
find them useful!

I made them using the gir-to-d tool by the GtkD team, and after 
that they just needed small tweaks here and there, if anyone 
wants to make bindings to libraries offering 
gobject-instrospection files, I truly recommend using the tool: 

I uploaded the bindings library to dub and github under the name 
I hope other D + GtkD developers find it as useful as I have.
I will be maintaining them as I use them myself, so if there are 
any issues please let me know!

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