Beta 2.094.0

DlangUser38 DlangUser at
Sun Sep 13 19:29:24 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 13 September 2020 at 19:16:24 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 9/13/20 2:33 PM, DlangUser38 wrote:
>> [...]
> I can't think of any other case where getting allMembers 
> returns something other than an Identifier. It's super 
> surprising that something returned by allMembers is not 
> actually a member of the thing you got it from.
> Arguably, NO imports that aren't renamed or aliased should be 
> included in the members.
>> [...]
> Yeah, I don't know the intention originally. But I have 
> definitely done exactly what the thread author stated (used 
> __traits(getMember) on all the module to look for certain 
> symbols). So my code would be broken too.
> Essentially, when you don't care about imports, they get 
> ignored even if they were there by error. But when 
> __traits(getMember) actually fails, now it becomes a problem.
> Honestly, I've never used __traits(allMembers, module) to look 
> for imports. Most likely many people don't, since it doesn't 
> work how you would ever expect. I'd rather we just got rid of 
> that part of the output than break code that doesn't care about 
> imports, but does care about the other things in the module. I 
> don't want to have to write extra mixins to rule this stuff out.
> -Steve

I'm not sure if I react exactly to your answer but I agree that 
getMember should have a counter part. This point was not raised 
during the review. Previously getMember worked but you could just 
do nothing with the "std" when it was for "std.stdio".

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