D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting, December 2021

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 06:40:30 UTC 2021

This meeting was originally supposed to take place on the fourth 
Friday in November, but given that the day before that was 
Thanksgiving Day in America (and is so every November), we moved 
it to the first Friday in December. Then given that the fourth 
Friday in December this year was Christmas Eve, we agreed to just 
stick with the first Friday each month going forward. Most of us 
are busy with holiday stuff in late December anyway even when the 
fourth Friday isn't Christmas Eve.

The big item on the agenda was intended to be a discussion about 
moving our issue management from Bugzilla to our GitHub 
repositories. A couple of different initiatives to do that in 
recent years by different contributors ultimately stalled. You 
can see [this thread in the D projects 
repository](https://github.com/dlang/projects/issues/43) for some 

Now, Robert Schadek is eager to make this happen. So we invited 
him to the meeting along with Vladimir Panteleev, whose 
objections you can see in the link above and who is maintaining a 
fork of Bugzilla with enhanced features.

Vladimir was set to attend, but had to pull out the day of the 
meeting. And so it became a two-parter.

## Part One
Part One took place on December 3, 2021, at 15:00 UTC and lasted 
just under an hour. In attendance were:

Andrei Alexandrescu
Walter Bright
Iain Buclaw
Max Haughton
Martin Kinkelin
Razvan Nitu
Mike Parker
Robert Schadek

First, I proposed we either postpone the Bugzilla to GH 
discussion until our next meeting in January, or schedule another 
meeting ASAP. We agreed to the latter, and after subsequent 
communication with Vladimir we decided to meet on Saturday, 
December 11, at 15:00 UTC.

The remainder of the meeting consisted of status updates from 
each member, some of which prompted further discussion.

### Me
I asked for volunteers for a content review of a blog post I had 
edited (the one by Georges Toutoungis [that I published a week 
after the 
meeting](https://dlang.org/blog/2021/12/11/i-wrote-a-high-frequency-trading-platform-in-d/). Max volunteered. I then let everyone know that I had taken a week off after DConf Online, had begun editing the Q & A videos, and that doing so would keep me occupied for the rest of the month. (Speaking of which, Walter's video is almost ready.)

### Razvan
One of Razvan's SAOC 2021 mentees (Teodor Dutu, working on 
replacing DRuntime hooks with templates) [had posted in the 
forums](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/hajlsppmugslhinluzos@forum.dlang.org) about a performance issue he encountered in replacing the `__d_arrayctor` hook with a template, and a "hack" that is faster. Razvan summarized the performance issue in the meeting. Martin outlined a potential approach to solving it.

Rather than put this on Teodor and delay his progress on his SAOC 
project, we agreed that Teodor should go ahead and implement his 
"hack" solution for now, then Razvan will explore a refactor 

### Max
Max said that he and Iain had nearly completed fixing the 
problems preventing DMD from working on the latest OS X. He then 
talked about a discovery he had made when playing around with the 
DMD internals which he isn't yet ready to publicize. He closed by 
raising questions that started a brief discussion about the 
performance benchmarks in Teodor's forum post (linked above).

### Robert
Robert was there for the Bugzilla->GH migration discussion and 
had nothing else new for us. Prior to the official start of the 
meeting, while we were waiting for everyone to appear, he 
initiated a discussion about some details of the migration 

### Iain
Iain provided us with an update on his progress in getting the D 
version of the frontend into GDC. Major thorns have been Solaris 
and other "archaic platforms". He also discovered a problem with 
Walter's ImportC implementation of `__builtin_va_list` ([see 
Issue #21974](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21974)), 
[and he reported it in Issue 
#22558](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22558). There 
was a bit of discussion about the problem, and it has been fixed 
since the meeting.

### Martin
Martin has been working on increasing LDC linker support. They've 
been defaulting to gold on Linux. LLD will become important 
because at work they've seen performance increases using it. He's 
had to make some LDC-specific DRuntime changes regarding how 
`ModuleInfo`s are registered. LDC will now use a special 
precompiled module that will be linked into every module and will 
register itself with DRuntime.

### Andrei
Andrei is pleased that someone is tackling the difficult task of 
converting DRuntime hooks to templates for SAOC. His exploration 
of versioning Phobos has exposed some problems in the compiler 
that need to be fixed before a prototype of Phobos v2 can work. 
Minimizing the issues is proving difficult to do. This is 
currently at the top of his list.

### Walter
Walter talked about a refactor he had to make in the compiler 
because of ImportC involving tokens and expression nodes, the 
details of which he described [in the initial pull 
request](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/13360). He resolved a 
long-standing ambiguity problem with DIP 1000. [The PR for it is 
still open](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/13357) as I write 
this. He said that the issues that people raise with DIP 1000 
appear to be issues with the implementation, not the concept, and 
he still thinks the concept is good.

His major problem with ImportC right now is with the 
proliferation of header files that depend on C compiler 
extensions. He isn't sure yet what to do about it. His priority 
with ImportC at the moment is to fix issues with its C11 
conformance. When that is ironed out, he'll get started on 
looking into issues like how to handle C compiler extensions.

Iain used this opportunity to bring attention to [a header file 
maintains](https://github.com/ibuclaw/importC/blob/main/src/keywords.c.in) to resolve some such issues. Walter suggested that this, or something like it, should be a part of the D compiler release. This prompted a discussion about how to do that and the pros and cons of dmd invoking the C preprocessor vs. incorporating Warp. Walter suggested it's just about time for dmd to start invoking the C preprocessor.

## Part Two
Part Two took place on December 11, 2021, at 15:00 UTC. In 
attendance were:

Walter Bright
Iain Buclaw
Mathias Lang
Vladimir Panteleev
Mike Parker
Robert Schadek

This meeting was exclusively focused on the question of whether 
we should migrate from Bugzilla to GitHub. Walter had already 
given his stamp of approval to the two previous initiatives, but 
given Vladimir's work on his Bugzilla fork, we wanted his input.

Robert's primary argument is that this is a social issue, not a 
technical one. GitHub is where the developers are and if we want 
more of them working on D, we can't continue to require them to 
go to a separate web site and create a separate account on our 
Bugzilla. Migrating our issues to GH will open the door for more 
developers to participate.

Vladimir disagrees. He says there *are* technical reasons not to 
migrate. He has been working on using [Bugzilla 
Harmony](https://github.com/bugzilla/harmony) as a replacement 
and has upstreamed patches to Mozilla. This version of Bugzilla 
accepts GitHub logins, so can allow all GH users to participate.

The discussion revolved around pros and cons, as well some 
technical details of the migration. Problems the LLVM team 
encountered in their migration came up.

Ultimately, Vladimir is not against moving to GitHub issues in 
principle and had several suggestions on how to get it done. But 
he believes we should give the new Bugzilla version a fair shake 
before making the effort.

Robert estimated that he would need just over five months to 
prepare for the migration. Vladimir estimated that he would need 
around two months to get his Bugzilla version ready for 
production. So we all agreed to the following compromise:

Robert will begin preparing for a migration to GitHub. Vladimir 
will go live with Bugzilla Harmony and we will evaluate it 
through June 15th. After that, we'll determine if it does what we 
want it to, or if Robert should pull the trigger on the migration.

## The Next Meeting
With our new first Friday schedule, our next meeting will take 
place on January 7, 2022. This will be a Quarterly Meeting, which 
means representatives from industry will attend. If you work for 
a company using D that doesn't currently have a regular quarterly 
representative, please let me know and we can invite someone from 
your company to join us.

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