Article: Why I use the D programming language for scripting

Виталий Фадеев vital.fadeev at
Tue Feb 2 04:24:48 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 2 February 2021 at 03:53:43 UTC, Виталий Фадеев wrote:
> On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 20:36:43 UTC, aberba wrote:
>> It's finally out!
> If the article is about scripting, then the article will 
> contain examples of scripts used in business.
> For example, to delete all dub caches in a directory:

Remove dub cache in subsirectories:

     module dubcache;

     // Reason:
     //   each cache take 50 - 200 MB of disk space
     // Goal:
     //   scan dirs and remove caches
     // ./
     //   a/
     //   b/
     //     .dub/  <- target
     //   c/

     import std;

     void main( string[] args )
         dirEntries( args[0].dirName, SpanMode.shallow )
             .filter!( a => a.isDir )
             .map!( a => buildPath(, ".dub" ) )
             .filter!( a => a.exists )
                 ( a )
                     writeln( a );
                     rmdirRecurse( a );


And we see what it not simple as windows .bat

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