[Semi-OT] Cross-Platform GitHub Action

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Tue Jun 8 19:10:41 UTC 2021

# Cross-Platform GitHub Action

I would like to announce the first version of a project I've been 
working on for a while. It's not anything D specific or 
implemented in D, but it can be used with D projects. This 
project provides a GitHub action for running GitHub Action 
workflows on multiple platforms. This includes platforms that 
GitHub Actions don't natively support. It currently supports 
FreeBSD and OpenBSD.


## Features

Some of the features that are supported include:

* Multiple operating system with one single action
* Multiple versions of each operating system
* Allows to use default shell or Bash shell
* Low boot overhead
* Fast execution

Compared to 
the boot time is around a fifth and the full execution time for 
the same job is around half of freebsd-vm.

## Usage

Here's a sample workflow file which will setup a matrix resulting 
in two jobs.
One which will run on FreeBSD 12.2 and one which runs on OpenBSD 

name: CI

on: [push]

     runs-on: macos-10.15
           - name: freebsd
             version: 12.2
           - name: openbsd
             version: 6.8

       - uses: actions/checkout at v2

       - name: Test on ${{ matrix.os.name }}
         uses: cross-platform-actions/action at v0.0.1
           MY_ENV1: MY_VALUE1
           MY_ENV2: MY_VALUE2
           environment_variables: MY_ENV1 MY_ENV2
           operating_system: ${{ matrix.os.name }}
           version: ${{ matrix.os.version }}
           shell: bash
           run: |
             uname -a
             echo $SHELL
             ls -lah
             env | sort

I've been using this action for one of my own projects 
for  now close to a week and it works fine. It's mostly FreeBSD 
that has been tested.

If you're interested in how the sausage is made, read on. Also 
see the readmes of the builder repositories:


## Under the Hood

GitHub Actions currently only support the following platforms: 
macOS, Linux and
Windows. To be able to run other platforms, this GitHub action 
runs the commands
inside a virtual machine (VM). macOS is used as the host platform 
because it
supports nested virtualization.

The VMs run on the [xhyve][xhyve] hypervisor, which is built on 
top of Apple's
[Hypervisor][hypervisor_framework] framework. The Hypervisor 
framework allows
to implement hypervisors with support for hardware acceleration 
without the
need for kernel extensions. xhyve is a lightweight hypervisor 
that boots the
guest operating systems quickly and requires no dependencies 
outside of what's
provided by the system.

The VM images running inside the hypervisor are built using 
It's a tool for automatically creating VM images, installing the 
operating system and doing any final provisioning.

The GitHub action uses SSH to communicate and execute commands 
inside the VM.
It uses [rsync][rsync] to share files between the guest VM and 
the host. xhyve
does not have any native support for sharing files. To 
authenticate the SSH
connection a unique key pair is used. This pair is generated each 
time the
action is run. The public key is added to the VM image and the 
private key is
stored on the host. Since xhyve does not support file sharing, a 
secondar hard
drive, which is backed by a file, is created. The public key is 
stored on this
hard drive, which is then mounted by the VM. At boot time, the 
secondary hard
drive will be identified and the public key will be copied to the 

To reduce the time it takes for the GitHub action to start 
executing the
commands specified by the user, it aims to boot the guest 
operating systems as
fast as possible. This is achieved in a couple of ways:

* By downloading [resources][resources], like xhyve and a few 
other tools,
     instead of installing them through a package manager

* No compression is used for the resources that are downloaded. 
The size is
     small enough anyway and it's faster to download the 
uncompressed data than
     it is to download compressed data and then uncompress it.

* It leverages `async`/`await` to perform tasks asynchronously. 
     downloading the VM image and other resources at the same time

* It performs as much as possible of the setup ahead of time when 
the VM image
     is provisioned

[xhyve]: https://github.com/machyve/xhyve
[rsync]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync
[resources]: https://github.com/cross-platform-actions/resources
[packer]: https://www.packer.io

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