Gordon programming language

Tony tonytdominguez at aol.com
Tue Nov 16 06:38:51 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 24 October 2021 at 10:13:14 UTC, Tero Hänninen wrote:
> Hello,

> I don't know how to make websites... and I want a much lighter 
> background actually.
> Take a look!  :)

Haven't done html in years, but I believe this line is specifying 
the color of your text and the color of your background:

->  body { font-family: monospace; color: #e0e0da; 
background-color: #1b1d1e; } <-

The values in main.css are for a dark text on a light background: 
background: #F0EDE3;
     color: #33290A;

You could either remove the "{body.." line from index.html or 
modify the "color" and "background-color" attribute values.

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