[Semi-OT] Cross-Platform GitHub Action 0.3.0 - NetBSD

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Tue Nov 16 13:34:49 UTC 2021

# Cross-Platform GitHub Action 0.3.0

I would like to announce a new release of [Cross-Platform GitHub 
Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/cross-platform-action), [0.3.0](https://github.com/cross-platform-actions/action/releases/tag/v0.3.0).

For those not familiar with this project, it provides a GitHub 
action for running GitHub Action workflows on multiple platforms. 
This includes platforms that GitHub Actions don't natively 
support (for more information see the original announcement of 
the project [1]).

The major new feature in this release is the support for a new 
platform: NetBSD. The only supported version so far is 9.2. Other 
minor features since the last announcement are support for 
FreeBSD 13 and OpenBSD 6.9.

## Under the Hood

For those interested in what's going on under the hood. This 
release contains some major refactoring to add support for the 
QEMU hypervisor. Up until now the xhyve hypervisor has been used 
for the FreeBSD and OpenBSD platforms. Unfortunately NetBSD 
doesn't run on the xhyve hypervisor, therefore support for QEMU 
was added. In this release it's only possible to run NetBSD on 
Linux hosts. The GitHub Linux runners doesn't support hardware 
accelerated nested virtualization. This unfortunately means that 
the QEMU hypervisor will be a bit slower than the xhyve 


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