dmt: Python-like indentation in D programming language

Witold Baryluk witold.baryluk+d at
Tue Nov 16 21:58:24 UTC 2021


`dmt` is an old project of mine from around year 2006. I ported 
it recently from D1 to D2, and added some extra features and 
support for extra keywords, and fixed few bugs here and there.

`dmt` is a converter (offline or auto-invoking compiler after 
conversion) from Python-like indention style to curly braces for 
D programming language.

It is fun and easy to use, and maybe it would be of interested to 


def int f(int b):
     int y = 0
     foreach (i; 0..5):
       y += i * (i+b)
     return y

struct A:
     int a
     int b_ = 5
     def auto b() @property:
         return b_

def void main():
     import std
     writefln!"%s %s"(f(5), A())

$ DMD=ldc2 dmt -run example.dt
ldc2 -run example.d
80 A(0, 5)

All D programming language features are supported (including 
exception handling, if/else, switch/case/break, inline asm, 
attribute sections, goto). Converted code is human readable.

You can check more examples in the and in `tests/` 

`dmt` is not yet self hosting, but that is probably the next 
step. :)


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