D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary (September 24, 2021)

James Blachly james.blachly at gmail.com
Sun Oct 3 21:24:31 UTC 2021

On 10/1/21 8:32 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
> Walter would like to establish a new slogan, or tagline, for D. He asked 
> us all to think about this for a future meeting. (Ali has since 
> solicited some good advice from a relative who is a professional 
> marketer that has gotten us on the right track.)

1. "Move fast"

Pros: More succinct than "Write fast code, fast" or whatever the old 
slogan was. Still captures the essence of both speed of execution and 
ease of writing. Potential tie-in to D-Rocket logo.

Cons: Potential association with silicon valley phrase "move fast and 
break things".

2. "Future code"

Pros: Association with the idea that we are often at the leading edge of 
new features which are later incorporated into other languages. May also 
carry the implication that D is great language for the reader to learn 
in the future. Potential tie-in to space and mars theme.

Cons: Could be open to criticism that garbage collected language is not 
"the future," but this would likely be a tiny number of detractors.

> ...
> As always, if anyone has anything they'd like me to put on the meeting 
> agenda, please let me know beforehand. I don't know for sure if we'll be 
> able to fit anything onto this month's meeting, though. These meetings 
> can run long if the industry reps have anything big to discuss, and 
> we're going to have a major item on the foundation's agenda that I 
> expect will consume most of post-industry portion of the meeting 
> (`-preview=in`). But if you have something, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for doing these writeups as community liaison.

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