OpenBSD DMD package

Brian bcallah at
Wed Oct 13 04:46:06 UTC 2021

Hello D community --

I am pleased and excited to announce that I have committed a 
package of DMD to the OpenBSD package repository:

OpenBSD -current users should be able to run `pkg_add dmd` 
sometime tomorrow to get a binary package of DMD.

Unfortunately, the timing of DMD 2.098.0 just missed the deadline 
to be included in OpenBSD 7.0. However, because -current and 7.0 
are effectively the same in terms of libraries that matter for 
DMD, I will personally support OpenBSD 7.0 users who use the 
dmd-2.098.0 package until OpenBSD 7.1 is released (6 months from 


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