D Language Foundation July 2022 Quarterly Meeting Summary

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 10:37:03 UTC 2022

This summary is quite a bit overdue. Sorry for the delay.

The July 8 D Language Foundation meeting was one of our quarterly 
meetings. In the first part of these meetings, representatives 
from industry join us to provide us with updates, notify us of 
issues they're experiencing, and provide us with feedback and 
ideas. The second part is the typical monthly meeting addressing 
foundation business. The industry reps are always invited to 
stick around for it and usually do.

For this meeting, we had two new faces join us: Paul and Robert 
Toth of Ucora. [They let us know back in 
June](https://forum.dlang.org/post/oxapxadxxkrujnhfeoqr@forum.dlang.org) that the company has been using D for years. We invited them to join us for our quarterlies, and they accepted. We hope we can help resolve any D issues they may face, and we welcome their feedback on the D user experience.

## The meeting
The meeting took place on July 8 at 14:00 UTC. The following 
people attended:

Walter Bright (DLF)
Iain Buclaw (DLF/GDC)
Ali Çehreli (DLF/Mercedes Benz R & D North America)
Max Haughton (DLF/Symmetry)
Martin Kinkelin (DLF/LDC)
Dennis Korpel (DLF)
Mario Kröplin (Funkwerk)
Mathias Lang (DLF/Symmetry)
Razvan Nitu (DLF)
Robert Schadek (Symmetry)
Paul Toth (Ucora)
Robert Toth (Ucora)
Bastiaan Veelo (SARC)
Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Frequenz)

### Mario
Funkwerk had a problem [with Issue 
#23234](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23234). There 
was a little discussion about the issue, and that Funkwerk has a 
workaround for now, but Razvan put it on his list of priority 
issues and subsequently resolved it.

Mario said they sometimes run into issues like this when they 
update the compiler after a long time, or when Mathis when they 
try something weird (i.e., when Mathis has ideas and they find 
new areas in the compiler that don't work as expected). On the 
other hand, they've been using D for well over a decade. They 
have their own set of libraries and the solutions to their 
problems are usually straightforward. D has been a big help in 
their work.

### Bastiaan
SARC has marked a major milestone in that their 500KLOC Extended 
Pascal codebase has been completely transcompiled to D (if you 
aren't aware of this project, you might enjoy Bastiaan's talks 
from DConf 2017, [Extending Pegged to Parse Another Programming 
Language](https://youtu.be/NoAJziYZ4qs), and DConf 2019, 
[Transcompilation into D](https://youtu.be/HvunD0ZJqiA)). Now 
they are increasing their testing and working out other steps 
they need to take before going into production.

One of those steps is internationalization. For that, they're 
using GNU getext, and a couple of weeks before the meeting had 
released [their D package for interfacing it on 
dub](https://code.dlang.org/packages/gettext). He said they would 
soon be releasing a package for string extraction, and that with 
that we'd have comprehensive support for gettext in D. He said 
everything is looking good, though they do have a couple of nasty 
bugs for which he hopes to find a solution.

### Robert S.
Here I can quote Robert in full:

> Not much to report. The compiler's too slow. Other than that, D 
> is the best language.

### Joe
And I can quote Joe in full following Robert:

> What he said I think. Nothing to add from my side.

### Paul & Robert T.
Robert noted that one of their new programmers has had a hard 
time getting up to speed with D via the existing documentation.

Ucora have been working with D for about 7 years, and their 
primary product is written in D, so they are heavily invested. 
Paul's interest is in the accessibility of D to the wider 
programming community. He was pleased with the response to [the 
post he made in 
June](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/xpykboajqfwpbpzgflru@forum.dlang.org) with a suggestion for the D documentation. Being new to the community, for now he's just observing, but they are interested in helping out in any way they can.

Bastiaan noted that in Paul's forum thread he requested that 
Ucora be added to the Orgs Using D page. [Max had opened a 
PR](https://github.com/dlang/dlang.org/pull/3326), but then got 
busy with other things (and has since been unable to build the 
website). The PR hasn't yet been merged, but I'll see about 
making that happen as soon as I publish this summary.

Paul said that for his own purposes, the documentation is 
well-written and he can find what he needs. But there is an 
initial hurdle to get over to be able to use the documentation 
effectively. New programmers rely on a programming language's 
manual when learning the language, so he's interested in ways of 
making D's documentation more accessible for new users. Enabling 
comments on documentation pages was the only concrete suggestion 
he had now. Walter suggested this could be done by creating a 
forum thread for each page in the documentation where people can 
post comments.

I noted that we have previously discussed overhauling the website 
and that a complete evaluation of the UX should be part of that. 
This is something that will fall under the purview of the 
ecosystem management team when it's in place.

We then discussed the topic of the user experience of 
documentation which touched on the experience with programmers at 
Ucora (in using the documentation and why they aren't using some 
of the more powerful features of D), comments on PHP doc pages, 
the D Tour, different kinds of documentation (reference vs. 
tutorial vs. how-to guides), Ali's book, ways to delineate them, 
and more.

Some good ideas were brought forward. Overhauling dlang.org and 
the D UX as a whole is something we want to get done as soon as 
we can after we get our ecosystem services sorted.

### Mathias
Mathias had a few things to bring up.

The first was [Issue 
23164](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23164), which he 
encountered when preparing his DConf talk. In short, it looks 
like dmd is moving structs that have copy constructors. This has 
resulted in portions of our `core.stdcpp` being disabled on 
different platforms. But LDC and GDC work as expected. Walter 
said the first problem is that the example has an internal 
pointer, which is noted in the D spec as something that shouldn't 
be done. He said the second thing is he doesn't think dmd is 
moving structs, even though the spec says it can. He thinks 
what's happening is that one of the copy constructors is passing 
an rvalue, causing a copy onto the stack and not updating the 
internal pointers. But Mathias said it's working as expected with 
LDC and GDC, and Andrei had said in the past prohibiting internal 
struct pointers is untenable. (This has all since been noted in 
the Bugzilla issue).

Ultimately, Walter suggested the example be further reduced to 
determine exactly where the problem is. There's too much going on 
with it right now. Mathias said he would try to do that.

Iain noted that GDC's behavior can be attributed to an internal 
flag attached to non-trivial structs that prevent it from being 
copied around, the compiler will crash instead. That means this 
kind of struct is always passed and returned by reference.

The second thing Mathias brought up is that he had been working 
on improvements to dub to support more use cases and output 
better error messages. He encountered a blocker when he had to 
enable DIP 1000 on some code and ended up with memory corruption. 
He hadn't yet submitted an issue for it at the time (and I don't 
know if he has submitted one since).

The third thing was the merger of the DMD and DRuntime 
repositories into a monorepo, which was something he and others 
had scheduled for the next day. Mathias warned that there might 
be some disruptions in CI and such as a result. He asked if 
anyone had any objections to the move. No one did. The merger was 
subsequently carried out. It did cause a few hiccups, but 
Mathias, Iain, and whomever else was involved handled them all 
(as far as I know).

Next, he said that we have a problem with some preview/revert 
switches (and it arose specifically with `-preview=in`). DRuntime 
and Phobos need to be compiled with a certain set of flags. If 
the flags used when compiling user code don't match those flags, 
we have a problem. We want a period where the user may or may not 
be using a certain preview, but if that preview changes the ABI, 
it doesn't work. One idea he had for this is a new `pragma` that 
could be put at the top of a module to specify which flags it 
needs to be compiled with, but it's not very elegant. He was 
hoping multiple brains could come up with something better. This 
led to some discussion about whether the pragma would work 
(Walter doesn't think so).

Walter said the only way he sees around this is that preview 
features shouldn't change the ABI, but one thing that could help 
is moving to header-only libraries. Martin suggested this happens 
with DRuntime and Phobos because they're the only pre-compiled 
libraries we have in the ecosystem. If they were dub projects, 
the problem goes away. In the end, no solution presented itself 
in this meeting, so we deferred this to a future monthly meeting.

Next, Mathias brought up the two ways to define C++ namespaces in 
D, one using an identifier and the other using a string. The 
former came first, with the latter being added later to address 
deficiencies in that approach. Mathias had encountered problems 
in his work with C++ interop using the identifier version and has 
since ignored it completely, relying on the string version. Plus, 
having two alternatives is confusing to people with no experience 
in D and C++ interop. He would like to deprecate the identifier 
option. Walter recalls past discussions about this, but can't 
remember the details about the tradeoffs. So he had no answer at 
the time and suggested they talk about this at DConf (I don't 
know if they did).

Finally, he talked about how `core.stdcpp` is compiled into 
DRuntime and is dependent on a specific C++ runtime. Initially, 
it was added to DRuntime on the premise that it's equivalent to 
the C bindings already there. The problem is that the C bindings 
don't cause any symbols to be generated, but the C++ bindings do. 
This can result in an ABI mismatch. Mathias thinks they should be 
out of the runtime. Walter agreed.

### Martin
Martin still has some annoying issues with semantic ordering and 
cycles. Apart from that, he had been waiting for the 2.100.1 
release of DMD, and if it didn't happen in the next week or so he 
would go ahead and push out a new release of LDC anyway ([which 
he did on July 

He said the move to a monorepo for DMD and DRuntime provided the 
opportunity to undo some mistakes made with LDC's repo in the 
past by moving it also to a monorepo. It also presented some 
challenges, but most of them had been cleared up. He expected 
everything to be fine. It would simplify things for LDC in the 
future and he was looking forward to the merger.

### Iain
Iain has done a lot of internal GDC work which mostly benefits 
him and anyone using GDC as their main compiler. He had been 
doing a bit of tech support for Bruce Carneal related to SIMD. 
That has resulted in some new SIMD intrinsics. He had also moved 
about 600 lines of code out of the compiler and into the library.

Upstream, he had added float and double precision implementations 
of the log family functions in `std.math`. This has the potential 
to break compilation for projects passing integrals to these 
functions. Additionally, `logb` is now pure.

On infrastructure, he had seen no pushback on the monorepo from 
anyone heavily involved with the DMD and DRruntime repos. The 
only thing left to test was whether the pipelines would be okay 
after the change. There were no issues running the test suites 

On DMD releases, Martin Nowak has less and less time to do them. 
Iain was in the process of taking over. The intent is to take 
move the specifics away from one person (e.g., having secret keys 
on one person's laptop) and set things up on GitHub runners so 
that anyone on the DMD core team can trigger a release. He still 
had blockers from making that happen. The first was that he did 
not have access to the downloads.dlang.org server. The two people 
with the AWS credentials had been unresponsive (though I believe 
that has since changed). The second is that he has no 
certificates with which to do code signing for the Windows 

Since the meeting, Iain and I have set up a new server for the 
archived downloads. We've moved away from AWS and are now using 
Backblaze (with free bandwidth, thanks to the Bandwith Alliance 
and our use of Cloudflare). All 235.2 GB of DMD downloads have 
been moved. Iain can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this 
is active right now, so anything you download from 
downloads.dlang.org will come from there. As for the code-signing 
certificate, we're trying to decide on an option that's best for 
us. In the meantime, the last I heard, Martin Nowak was going to 
put out a release of 2.100.1 without signing the Windows 

### Me
I told everyone I'd not had an update from Vladimir Panteleev or 
Petar Kirov regarding our migration of ecosystem services to 
foundation control. I'd created accounts with Hertzner, Netlify, 
and Cloudflare, and granted Petar admin access to them. Petar had 
since become busy, and I anticipated we'd have to wait until 
after DConf for any progress. That turned out to be the case.

We've since migrated our DNS to Cloudflare (which some of you may 
have noticed a couple of weeks ago when we had outages for some 
subdomains) and I've granted Cloudflare access to more 
administrators (Iain, Vladimir, and Mathias). We hadn't 
originally intended for the downloads to be the first service 
migrated---that was dictated by circumstances---but now that it's 
done we can look at migrating the next thing. I'm not sure at the 
moment what that will be, but I'll announce it here when I know.

### Razvan
Razvan had nothing to report.

### Dennis
Dennis brought up a discussion about reducing the size of 
`object.d` [that came up in a PR 
thread](https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/3860#issuecomment-1170139760). Specifically, moving things into separate modules, then making `object.d` a list of public imports would make it easier to maintain a custom `object.d`.

Walter said that the bigger `object.d` gets, the slower it 
compiles, but splitting it into multiple modules would make it 
slower. Compilation speed is less dependent on file size and more 
dependent on the number of files. We may be expecting too much 
from `object.d`, but he had no answer for now. We need to be more 
parsimonious about adding things to it.

Martin had no magic answer either but said he's always seen 
`object.d` as the foundation of DRuntime. Any pay-as-you-go 
runtime would need to start from there. But he noted that most of 
the recent size increase is because of the project converting 
DRuntime hooks to templates. He suggested those imports could be 
removed from `object.d`, and the compiler can insert imports 
explicitly where they are used so that they aren't part of the 
compilation for modules that don't use those hooks.

Next, Dennis talked about the focus of the PR that brought about 
the discussion: that symbols like `destroy` are part of the 
global namespace (the PR added the ability to disable `destroy` 
via a special version identifier). Should we be concerned about 
this? The consensus was that with D's built-in ability to 
differentiate symbols (FQN, static imports), this isn't a 
problem. Iain closed the PR after the meeting, noting that we 
agreed something needs to be done about `object.d`, "but not 

The third thing Dennis brought up was a recent thread about 
private-to-the-module, and how some people would prefer that it 
be private-to-the-class instead. He doesn't think the feature 
should change, but he did [put together an implementation to try 
it out](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/14238). He asked if 
this was going to be dead on arrival. The consensus was "yes", 
with Martin noting that what he liked most was Dennis's "thumbs 
down" for his own pull request. We did have a short discussion 
about this, with Martin noting that this isn't a problem if 
you're properly encapsulating your types. It's only if you're 
used to older codebases or other languages that it may seem to be 
a problem, but in D we don't need to worry about it. Dennis 
subsequently closed the PR.

As part of that discussion, I raised the issue that came up in 
the aforementioned forum thread: we treat the private API of the 
module as part of the class/struct's private API, but we don't do 
the same for the public API. Meaning, calls through the public 
API of a class always trigger its invariant, but calls through a 
module's public API do not. This means it's safe for the class to 
modify its internal state through its private API, but not for 
the module to do so (similarly, a module's public API does not 
obtain the lock of a `synchronized` class). I think it's 
something most programmers don't consider, and we should think of 
some way to address it. Though, we didn't do that in this meeting 

### Max
Max said he had several PRs he needed to finish. For one of them, 
he had implemented `with` expressions to play with in a branch, 
something he and John Colvin are fond of. He had also opened a 
newCTFE branch from Stefan Koch's old work. He and Nicholas 
Wilson had been going through to get rid of problematic code. His 
opinion was that we should get rid of its warts, refactor it, and 
upstream it. The preview flag was enabled so people could play 
with it, but it will revert to the old engine in cases where it 

Martin wanted to know more about the revival, as he was under the 
impression that Stefan had given up on it because it didn't 
provide the performance gains he had expected. Max estimated it 
should generally be between 5 and 10 times faster, but that it 
can be much faster in situations where the old engine gets bogged 
down. In contrast, [the JIT in 
SDC](https://github.com/snazzy-d/SDC) (which uses the LLVM JIT 
API) can be up to 50 times faster. But for Max, performance isn't 
as important for newCTFE considering that the code is easier to 
work with and it uses less memory.

Martin then brought up the fact that newCTFE had been restricted 
to using 64-bit doubles and asked if that's still the case. Max 
affirmed that's so, and Martin said that won't do. Max suggested 
that since we now have ImportC, we could just use it to compile 
x87 soft floats, assuming the license is compatible. Martin said 
we should focus on x87 too much. It's interesting for DMD as it's 
x86 only. GCC/GDC uses soft float emulation across platforms, and 
LDC uses the host platform's `real`. We have to decide if we want 
an abstract precision across all platforms like GDC is using, or 
try to emulate the target precision on any host. What's important 
is that newCTFE must be able to cope with arbitrary `real_t` 
types as the frontend currently can. Max thinks it's doable with 
some refactoring.

### Walter
Walter said he had lost a lot of time in the preceding few weeks 
trying to debug failures in the test suite that can't be 
reproduced. He had been complaining about the lack of information 
in the test suite logs. He cited a specific example where running 
the test online showed a failure in a file, but gave no other 
error messages about that file, but then running the test suite 
locally resulted in a useful error message in the log. He 
suspected it might be a `stdout` vs `stderr` issue. It's a 
general problem he has. Further, the tests put out log files that 
are thousands of lines long, making it difficult to pinpoint the 
actual problem. Sometimes, an error just disappears on a 
subsequent run and he doesn't always understand why. He had 
noticed that it sometimes happens after he rebases a PR. He noted 
that the autotester rebases automatically, so the other tests 
should, too.

Iain noted that the need to rebase should disappear once DMD and 
DRuntime were merged, as those two repos being out of sync was 
usually the culprit.

Another issue driving him nuts was running `cpp` on Mac for 
ImportC. The problem is that `cpp` on the autotester fails on 
some of the Mac system header files. So he was wondering if 
anyone knew which C preprocessor he should be invoking on Mac. 
Mathias noted that the autotester's Mac version is probably 
ancient, but suggested he invoke clang with the switch to use the 
C preprocessor rather than invoking the preprocessor directly. 
Walter said that was a good idea.

Next, he said he had made a lot of progress on getting ImportC to 
compile the C files in DRuntime. It was working Phobos except for 
the Posix files. Every Posix platform was failing differently, 
but he hadn't figured it out yet.

He said that other than that, things seem to be going rather well.

## The next meeting
Given the lateness of this summary, the next meeting has already 
happened. It was a monthly meeting that took place on August 4 
during the DConf Hackathon. I'll publish a summary of that in the 
next couple of days.

The next, next meeting is happening Friday, September 2, at 14:00 
UTC. If you'd like to bring something to us, please let me know 
and I'll see about putting you on the agenda.

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