text based file formats

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Sun Dec 18 16:12:35 UTC 2022

On 19/12/2022 4:56 AM, Robert Schadek wrote:
 > * xml, there is some code already, the old std.experimental.xml code

I've toyed with std.experimental.xml.

I'm not convinced that it is a good code base for inclusion.

> * no return by ref

As a bit of a follow up of what we were talking about on BeerConf:

Because these are not data structures, they won't own externally facing 
memory (thats the GC job). So these lifetimes issues with ref should 
never be encountered.

 > * make it @safe and pure if possible (and its likely possible)

pure is always a worry for me, but yeah @safe and ideally nothrow (if 
they are forgiving which they absolutely should be, there is no reason 
to throw an exception until its time to inspect it).

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