DIP 1038--"@mustUse" (formerly "@noDiscard")--Accepted

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 02:57:29 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 8 February 2022 at 02:21:37 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> I guess core.attribute.gnuAbiTag sneaked in behind your back, 
> huh?
> Anyway, I'm happy to change it if that's your call, although it 
> would have been nice to have caught this before the DIP was 
> officially accepted.

actually, I wish camelCase was not a requirement of user defined 

I would prefer @must_use over @mustUse, for example (althouhgh i 
prefer @mustuse to both of these, since the underscore is not 
really needed in this case).

Don't be discouraged though, the proposal is sound. But ideas 
that might help it become more acceptable to programmers (and the 
langauge), is still not worthy of being excluded from discussion 
(I think I got enough negations in there ;-)

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