The D Programming Language Vision Document

rikki cattermole rikki at
Sun Jul 3 17:27:43 UTC 2022

 > Stronger integration with other languages

One of the things I judge D's compilers by is how well they can build a 
shared library.

This is crucial for a lot of different applications of D and can be an 
complete stopper in using D if it doesn't "just work".

To be blunt this is embarrassing, this should have been a top priority 
10+ years ago...

 > Phobos and DRuntime

I am very worried that this is going ahead without signatures.

Its a major usability issue that concepts like ranges are not written 
into a function signature and is a common tripping point for people new 
to the language.

I've been meaning to talk with Walter about this, this year. Times just 
haven't lined up at BeerConf to sort out lining up my designs into 
something that could actually go in.

 > No wstring or dstring. Any functions in Phobos v2 that deal with 
strings should deal exclusively with the string type. Users can convert 
from and to the other string types as needed.


That's going to bite us big time when it comes to Unicode handling which 
wants to work with dstring's.

 > Provide automatic CI for actively-maintained third-party projects.

I would like a big endian system to be included if possible, if a 
library is actively maintained you don't want surprises to arise from that.

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