DConf '22 Livestream Links

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 13:52:51 UTC 2022

For those of you who can't join us in person at DConf '22 in 
London next week, you can join us instead via each day's 
livestream link:

* Day 1: https://youtu.be/V6KFtzF2Hx8
* Day 2: https://youtu.be/04gJXpJ1i8M
* Day 3: https://youtu.be/ksNGwLTe0Ps

Thanks to Symmetry Investments for making this possible once 

I'm very happy the time has come to announce this because it 
means I'm heading to the airport in a few hours for my flight to 
London. I'm making an extended vacation out of this, so excluding 
the four days of DConf I'll be mostly incommunicado until after 
August 17th.

However, later this week I do plan to post the summary of the 
quarterly meeting we held on July 8. And I'll still check in 
periodically on the forums and my email, but please expect that 
any communication with me may have a delayed response.

If you're going to London, I look forward to seeing you there! 
Don't forget we've got a limited open tab at The Fox pub 
(directions [at DConf.org]) each night of August 1, 2, and 3 
courtesy of Funkwerk. Flash your DConf name tag at the staff for 
each round you order for yourself until the tab runs out!

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