DORM - a new D ORM

WebFreak001 at
Thu Nov 24 06:19:24 UTC 2022


at our hackerspace we have been working tirelessly for the past 
half year to bring a great new ORM experience to D and Rust. The 
D side of this ORM can be found at:

It provides a nice D API to directly save data to any database, 
restore data, list data, etc.

Current features:

- Declarative table/model definitions from D, with rich UDA 
- Command Line Interface to create migrations automatically from 
the D application, good for checking into the source repository 
and to distribute with the app
- Migrations allow both users and developers to update the 
database in their deployed app instances when needed, coming from 
any (or no) previous version
- High-level APIs both in D and Rust
- Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and sqlite3 (MySQL and PostgreSQL 
drivers written in safe Rust)
- Automatic mapping between defined D datatypes and SQL
- Support for slim SQL queries by only using and selecting 
columns that are needed
- CRUD interface with support for dereferencing foreign keys, 
embedded structs, advanced SQL conditions that can represent 
almost any SQL condition using D code that looks similar to 
regular if statements
- Support for transactions
- Streaming SQL responses (range interface)
- Async support with vibe.d - also works standalone with and 
without multithreading from the application
- Multithreaded connection pool

Documentation can be found here: (although very 
WIP still!)

Minimal sample project:

Bunch of integration tests, that show all the functionality:

Feel free to try it out and open issues! The API will probably 
still change a bunch in the future. However the current modelling 
capabilities should already suffice for a wide selection of apps 
you might want to test this in.

Looking forward to your feedback.

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