D + Qt + QtDesigner

Barbara barbara at copperspice.com
Thu Nov 24 07:14:40 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 03:26:06 UTC, thebluepandabear 
>> This is a very brief overview and we are happy to expand on 
>> this discussion.
>> Barbara
>> Co-Founder of CopperSpice
> Hello Barbara,
> I guess it's not amazingly difficult if you have good 
> experience with OpenGL, and SFML/SDL (there may be other 
> libraries I've missed?). (I myself am not experienced in this 
> but I am learning some of these things.)  But of course, this 
> will take a lot of time and hard work, and no one will be 
> making a profit from it so it would be a purely 
> volunteer/hobbyist project...
> As you might have seen the guy above me made an OpenGL-based 
> GUI library, so it is possible!

As one of the lead developers of CopperSpice I can assure you 
writing an effective,  cross platform, thread aware, GUI library 
is indeed very complicated and time consuming. OpenGL does not 
handle font rendering, glyph shaping, or unicode text. All of 
these must be implemented to be a general purpose GUI library.

OpenGL is not the only requirement for a GUI and actually not the 
hardest part. Handling events and reacting to user input is not 
part of OpenGL so it needs to be part of the GUI library.

One of our CS libraries provides an OpenGL surface you can embed 
in a CopperSpice GUI application. We recently added a new library 
to support a Vulkan surface in a similar way.

We are an open source project and I do not consider CopperSpice 
to be a hobby, but rather a community project. If anyone would 
like to learn more about the low level parts of a GUI please join 
our team and consider contributing to CopperSpice.


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