Walter's Edited DConf Talk Video -- Feedback Request

Mike Parker aldacron at
Wed Sep 7 12:42:35 UTC 2022

I've settled on a format for the edited talks that I think works. 
To be clear, I'm not chopping these up as I do the DConf Online 
talks to remove the pauses, uhs, ahs, etc. I'm letting the whole 
thing go from beginning to end just as if it were live. What's 
different from the livestream version is the layout.

My goal is to ensure the slides are visible, while not focusing 
on them entirely, and cutting to the slide view at what seems 
like appropriate times (as opposed to the random cuts in the 

I've uploaded the edited version of Walter's talk and left it 
unlisted. Before I make it public, I'd like to ensure there are 
no major issues with it. And let me state beforehand: by "major", 
I mean *major*.

I really, really don't want to go back into the editor with this 
unless I absolutely have to. As long as the audio can be heard, 
and the slides are legible when they need to be, then I'll be 
happy. I'm not going to do any minor touch ups or changes. I only 
want to know if it serves its purpose.

If you haven't seen Walter's talk yet (or would like to watch it 
again), please give it a look and let me know if you uncover any 
major problems:


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