Meanwhile on the audio front

Guillaume Piolat first.last at
Thu Sep 22 13:10:11 UTC 2022

September was a great month for the D sub-community around #Dplug 
& #audio.

We got no less than 3 releases using D and Dplug:

- **OneTrick Simian**, your synthwave drum synth by Punk Labs. An 
algo perc synth, there aren't too many of those, it is on the 
level of Microtonic... first commercial synth in D too.

- **Tarabia MK2 PRO 1.1** by SMAOLAB
   An update to the creative distortion toolbox, for leads and - 
as I found out - even master bus. Covers a wide range of 
distortion effects.

- **Lens** by Auburn Sounds, do-it-all compressor and expander 
with a special home-grown transform. It is very clean, and blows 
the spectral dynamics competition for free, while your CPU burst 
in flames.

To answer to the increased challenge of catering to more users, 
Dplug will soon create the "Wasteland", public & private 
repositeries of unmaintained bits of code. Members will also get 
one vote each to coopt new members.

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