D Language Foundation August 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 12:59:12 UTC 2023

The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for August 2023 took 
place on the 11th. At just under 35 minutes, it was our shortest 
monthly meeting to date.

## The attendees
The following people attended the meeting:

* Walter Bright
* Ali Çehreli
* Martin Kinkelin
* Dennis Korpel
* Mathias Lang
* Átila Neves
* Mike Parker
* Adam D. Ruppe
* Robert Schadek
* Steven Schveighoffer

## The summary

### Me
I had nothing new, other than to say that DConf planning was on 

### Adam
Adam had nothing for us this time.

### Robert
Robert said he was happy. Dennis asked if the compiler was fast 
enough (as regular readers of these summaries may know, Robert 
often says the compiler is too slow). Robert said it's still 
slow. He just wanted to see LSP support in the compiler and take 
all the good things.

Walter noted he'd been working on improving compilation speeds. 
He'd realized that the compiler was being compiled with 
exceptions, so he'd been working on making it compile without 
exceptions to see what effect that had on speed. It might be a 
small difference, but every little difference helps.

Adam said his library compiled in half a second. Robert said that 
was still too slow. His work project didn't compile in half a 
second. He said his goal was that by the time of the key-up event 
after pressing 'Enter' on Ninja or whatever build tool/compiler 
he's using, it should have already restarted the application. 
Átila agreed that half a second was too long.

Adam brought up D1. An old game he wrote back in 2007 compiles 
and links in 10 milliseconds. If you looked at a big chunk of the 
difference between D1 and D2, `object.d` back then was around 600 
lines. Now it was much bigger, and that adds up. Walter said that 
he was a bit upset with the state of `object.d`. It was supposed 
to be a minimal thing and had turned into a kind of garbage dump 
somewhere along the way.

### Steve
Steve said that Dennis had been doing a fantastic job with his PR 
on the compiler part of static associative array initialization. 
Steve thought it was about ready to go if someone could push the 
button. He didn't want to be the one to push it, because he 
didn't know the compiler code very well and couldn't vouch for 
its correctness. ([The PR is still 
open](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/15468) as I write.)

### Dennis
Dennis said he'd been working on that AA PR, but had nothing else 
to report. He still had some other things to pursue, like looking 
at pattern support for the deprecation (-d/-de/-dw) and obsolete 
warning (-wo) switches, as well as the `standalone` attribute or 
pragma for static constructors.

([In our July 
monthly](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/amsduzcnbgvptaxjtlcn@forum.dlang.org), Adam proposed a means to annotate static constructors that could make them independent of cycle detection. [In a subsequent planning session](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/vccxtwaaxqxxjojgxbhj@forum.dlang.org), we agreed to implement it. Since the August meeting, [Dennis has submitted a PR](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/15537) for the `@standalone` attribute, but in the PR discussion thread, Walter thinks it should be a pragma.)

### Martin
Martin said the bump to version 2.104 of the frontend went well 
on the LDC side and was quite painless.

Next, he had an interesting side note inspired by [a forum post 
seen](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/ofbvqasfvxylbxxpwhja@forum.dlang.org) about getting LDC to work on a 8-bit AVR platform. He'd looked into it and found it an interesting question in terms of whether and how we want to support architectures with pointer sizes less than 32 bits. Currently, the frontend has a hard-coded limit: `size_t` and `ptrdiff_t` are either 32 or 64 bits, nothing lower than that. It's a frontend check, and the definitions in DRuntime directly depend on the compiler's internal type because they use the `typeof` expression.

He had tried to make the frontend accept 16-bit and 8-bit 
`size_t` and `ptrdiff_t`, but doing that bumps up against the 
integer promotion rules. The promotion rules can work in some 
specific cases when using a smaller `int`, but when you have 
something like the length of a slice and do a little plus one or 
minus one, that's a problem. You need to cast it. So either we 
need to change dealing with the promotion rules in this regard, 
try to mimic C++ in this regard, or hopefully do something 
better. He said Adam had proposed something in a past discussion 
that would handle it generically so it's still target independent.

Walter wondered if Rust supported less than 32-bit compilation 
and what compromise they made for that. Martin said he wasn't 
sure. He'd only checked C and C++. Robert looked it up and found 
that Rust has a tiny bit of support for 16-bit MSP340, but it's a 
big asterisk and everything else is 32 or 64.

Martin wasn't sure if it was even worth looking into these 
architectures, because he had no idea how long they'd be around. 
For low power consumption, even if you're playing a few years 
ahead, he thinks it's going to be 32-bits even for those very 
small and power-efficient sensors, or whatever. But he couldn't 
look into the future, so he had no real idea.

Walter said when he'd designed D, he thought 16-bit architectures 
were dead and everybody would be using embedded 32-bit 
processors. But that was a huge simplification. There was so much 
trouble in C from the ints not being a predictable size. Just 
endless problems with it and suffering because of it.

### Mathias
Mathias had nothing to report.

### Ali
Ali had mentioned [in our July quarterly 
meeting](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/jzlympfqmwckaiuhqoiz@forum.dlang.org) that his company (Mercedes Benz Research & Development North America) was looking for a D programming intern. He'd since contacted Mike Shah at Northeastern University. As an example of industry/academia collaboration, Mike had recommended a strong candidate, and the company had already hired him. They planned to bring on another intern who comes with a good recommendation. So the D team is increasing to three people.

Ali wanted to expand his team to be more like a tools team, like 
a wildcard team working on multiple different things inside the 
company. The new candidate agrees. So they were expanding and 
they were working on something he couldn't yet provide details 

### Átila
Átila had been busy with Symmetry stuff, so had nothing to talk 
about this time.

### Walter
Walter said he'd thought about Robert's observations that until 
we have the compiler as a language server or a library, we're 
going to be in trouble. So he'd been going through the compiler 
frontend and fixing it so that it's much more amenable to having 
DMD as a daemon.

He'd made quite a number of changes for that. Some of the PRs 
were still sitting there, waiting to be pulled. The idea was to 
look at the subsystems of D and remove their dependencies on 
global state, and dependencies on the environment and the 
operating system, so that they have a simple entry point where 
one function takes all the parameters it needs, does its 
operation, and returns data. Then the caller can decide whether 
to write a file or what to do with error messages, and so on.

He said that work was kind of satisfying when he got a piece set 
up like that. The error sink had been his first attempt in that 
direction. The lexer and parser were now capable of being 
divorced from the rest of the compiler and are restartable. It 
also means the LSP daemon or whatever will be able to be 
multi-threaded, because you can be doing multiple compiles at the 
same time with this setup. He's still got a ways to go, but it's 

He was also looking at redefining the interface to the glue code, 
so that should make Iain's and Martin's lives a little easier. 
Martin said he wasn't so sure. He thought the interface in its 
current state was absolutely fine.

Walter said he'd submitted numerous PRs to remove all of the 
external dependencies from the documentation generator, and that 
was getting close to being done. He had separated out the macro 
processor so that it was now standalone. That's the sort of thing 
he'd been working on.

He saw this as a sort of existential thing for D. He had come 
around to Robert's point of view and felt it was important to get 
this moving. Razvan wasn't in the meeting, but Walter was curious 
about his thoughts about all of this since he'd been working on 
DMD as a library. He asked Robert if the work needed for both DMD 
as a library and the LSP server was the same.

Robert said DMD as a library is a big building block to build the 
LSP, but there was more to it in terms of building a server that 
takes commands, runs the compiler, and returns the information as 
JSON. The compiler library is a big part of that. His fingers 
were crossed that the rest was just glue. He thanked Walter for 
working on this. Walter said Robert should be thanked for making 
the observation that gave him the impetus to get this done and 
realize its importance.

We then fell into a bit of side chat for a few minutes about 
GitHub handles vs. real names and how confusing it can be when 
they differ, and how the programming world had changed in terms 
of new programmer expectations.

Then Walter thanked Steve and Dennis for working on the static AA 
initialization. For a long time, he'd thought it was completely 
impractical. Steve had convinced him it could be done reasonably. 
It was a nice improvement that didn't need anything different 
because it was just turning on something that hadn't worked.

Steve said there was a note in the spec saying this was an 
intended feature that wasn't implemented, so we could finally 
remove that. He said that Dennis was doing a great job. He 
sometimes felt that every time he brings up something that's 
wrong, Dennis has a PR to fix it a day later.

Finally, Walter had a question for Mathias about `-preview=in`. 
He remembered that we had discussed in a meeting that the feature 
should always pass by reference, but when he looked at the 
implementation, he found that it hadn't been changed. It was 
still taking the original approach of passing by value or by 
reference depending on the case. Mathias remembered this 
conversation and that we'd agreed to change it, but he had just 
never gotten it done. He said he remembered Martin saying he'd 
keep the current behavior for LDC. Walter asked if Mathias wanted 
him to make the change. Mathias said he'd do it, and he'd do it 
in a way that didn't prevent LDC from doing what they want.

Walter recommended Martin make the change for LDC, as there was a 
solid reason for the change. Martin said they'd have to disagree 
on this point. It was a feature he would have loved to see 10 
years ago, and he was very happy Mathias had implemented it. He 
wasn't going to dump it, but he would probably put it behind a 
switch to enable or disable it. It wasn't ideal, but he liked 
this feature very, very much.

Walter said it was a reliability issue. If it's always by 
reference, it's predictable behavior. He thought it was extremely 
important to have predictable and portable behavior. Martin 
reminded him they'd had this discussion quite some time ago. He 
was still of the strong opinion that once you regard every such 
occurrence as a reference, or treated it like it should work for 
a reference, too, but don't depend on its identity, you're fine. 
And that's 99.99% of all code. And it was a very nice performance 
thing. He didn't know of any other language having such a 
feature. For LDC, it was going to be well-defined. Not 
implementation-defined, but target-dependent.

Mathias said that he agreed with Martin. However, it was fine to 
just make DMD always pass `in` parameters by reference. That was 
the best compromise we could come up with when we last discussed 

Ali wanted to confirm that this feature solved the problem with 
rvalue references. If you want to accept rvalues, you just use 
`in`. Mathias said it did.

Mathias said he'd seen that the only thing preventing preview 
`in` from being finished was [a bug in the 
frontend](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23785) that is 
tied to another bug that is unrelated to preview `in`. It wasn't 
an easy one. It was something to do with CTFE, but he hadn't had 
the time to dig into it. So it was still blocked on that. He said 
it was well-defined, he just needed someone to unwind the issues. 
Dennis said he would look into it.

Martin thought that issue was blocking one of his old PRs. He 
couldn't remember which PR, but he was sure it was the same CTFE 
issue. The problem was that temporaries in statements in CTFE 
don't get destructed at all. There was a chorus of "That's bad". 
Mathias said that getting the same destruction behavior as 
runtime is not trivial.

Walter said he could see that was going to be a tricky one. The 
CTFE engine was a horrible mess.

Dennis wondered if this would break code once destructors started 
running in CTFE. A lot of destructors just call `free`. Martin 
noted that any destructor calling `free` would be calling it on 
something that had to be malloced first. And that wasn't doable 
at CTFE either. The current behavior of just silently skipping 
all of the destructors was as wrong as it could get. It couldn't 
be any more wrong.

Steve said that if you were going to run `free` in a destructor 
in a type that's going to be used at CTFE, you'd already have an 
`if(__ctfe)` branch to account for that where you call `malloc`. 
You'd have the same in the destructor. This is nothing new.

## The next meeting
As we wrapped up, I asked if we should have a planning session on 
the 18th. It was our only real opportunity to have one before 
DConf. But given that most of us had stuff going on preparing for 
DConf, or were already traveling, I suggested we not do it. But I 
left it to the group to decide, and we decided not to do it. In a 
previous planning session, we'd decided to hold a session at 
DConf to start talking about long-term plans, so that's our next 

Our next monthly meeting is going to be on either September 8th 
or 15th. We'll figure that out at DConf next week.

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