Versatile Serialization Library: Empowering Recursive Data Serialization and Deserialization

Comander vandal at
Thu Aug 24 22:52:32 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 24 August 2023 at 21:29:34 UTC, Andrew wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 August 2023 at 14:36:41 UTC, Comander wrote:
>> I've created a foundational library designed to simplify 
>> recursive serialization and deserialization processes. This 
>> comprehensive tool offers assistance for fundamental types 
>> such as integrals, byte arrays, strings, and even arrays of 
>> objects. The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency of 
>> serialization and deserialization procedures on the whole. 
>> While there's room for improvement in the repository at 
>>, it does deliver on its 
>> commitments.
> I hate to be that guy, but what does this library actually add 
> that others in the past haven't provided? It seems like it's 
> serializing to a simple size-prefixed binary format, but isn't 
> that already done by msgpack or protocol buffers or mir's serde 
> module (I think it was called that). Surely it would be more 
> productive in the long term to focus on one central 
> serialization/deserialization library, which could ideally sit 
> in phobos, rather than every new person proposing their own 
> flavor.

The intention behind my library was to build upon these 
foundations while addressing some specific use cases and needs 
that I encountered in my own projects. I focused on providing a 
streamlined and easy-to-use solution for recursive serialization 
and deserialization. ust to clarify, my project wasn't cooked up 
with the intention of nestling into the cozy confines of the 
standard phobos library. I understand where you're coming from. 
Nobody wants to come across as overly critical. It's true that 
the tech world is familiar with different approaches – some folks 
dive into action while others prefer to offer constructive 

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