godot-dlang v0.2.0

evilrat evilrat666 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 07:45:24 UTC 2023

# Release godot-dlang v0.2

This release includes support for Godot 4 RC

## What is godot-dlang?

godot-dlang is a wrapper over Godot engine scripting API using new
native extensions feature, simply put you can now extend engine 
using native code in a shared library form.

## What it can be used for?

Games primarily, 2d games, 3d games, large-scale open world 

But wait, because Godot includes various multimedia features and 
has a very rich GUI toolkit
you can use it to build any kind of multimedia apps, use it as a 
GUI for your programs,
build simulation programs, and much more!

## What is Godot?

Godot is a modular open source game engine with permissive 
license (MIT).

Godot 4 is the latest version of Godot is now entered 
stabilization phase, it still might have some API changes before 
release but otherwise it is now a good time to start new 
projects, final 4.0 release can be expected within 1-2 months.

## Where to get Godot?

(scroll down to downloads section, use standard build if you 
don't plan to mix godotscript/C#/D)


## Where to get godot-dlang?

godot-dlang source code

also available in dub

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