D Language Foundation January 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at cattermole.co.nz
Mon Feb 27 12:14:45 UTC 2023

I just want to make this point about -betterC.

As a switch it should just be switching other things off. As a result 
its just a marketing name of D without the language extensions that 
depend on druntime.

It isn't that way in practice, but it should be.

However I think there is a pathway forward here.

My number 2 priority for me this year is to see compiler hooks resolved. 
They should ALL look like this (more or less):

void hook(T)(T thing) {
	version(Feature) {

	} else
		static assert(0, "feature not had, can't do Y");

Lowering should be the last step but only for functions that need to be 

This allows significant simplification in the compiler, and allows for 
features to work at CT that won't go into the binary.

There is a lot to this strategy that I am not saying here as it isn't 
relevant to -betterC. There is some very real possibility here to making 
our lives better I think.

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