WildCAD - a simple 2D drawing application

Johann Lermer johann.lermer at elvin.eu
Wed Jan 25 14:36:54 UTC 2023


I'd like to announce a little project of mine that started some 
years ago as a C++ application and which I finally managed to 
port to D. It's called WildCAD and it's a simple 2D drawing 
program (you know - lines, circles and so on). It uses a command 
line interface inspired by AutoCAD and features a very immature 
DXF im- and export.

The application uses a DIY widget set (which comes as a sub 
project) called WildWidgets. Both can be found at 
https://gitlab.com/elvin.eu/wildcad.git and 

Currently both are restricted to DMD and Linux/X11 only. Sorry 
for that. On the plus side just very limited dependencies are 
needed - mostly X11, Cairo and Cups. It's still very rough and 
using it can be a bit of a challenge.

Any feedback or help is appreciated ;-)

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