On Mir parts migration to DRuntime

9il ilyayaroshenko at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 15:04:06 UTC 2023

Hi Walter and Dlang Community,

Mir libraries or their parts can be moved to Phobos/Druntime 
under BSL-1.0. I won't be able to help with mir migration except 
for general review and coordination with copyright holders. I use 
D for work but am no longer an active open-source contributor.

  - [mir-ion](http://mir-ion.libmir.org/) - JSON, Amazon Ion, 
YAML, CSV, and Msgpack  serialization library
  - [mir-algorithm](http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org) - tensors, 
prices number printing and parsing, interpolation, and algorithms
  - [mir-core](http://mir-core.libmir.org) - a lot of cool stuff, 
including algebraic types
  - [mir-random](http://mir-random.libmir.org) - random engine and 
  - [mir-cpuid](http://mir-cpuid.libmir.org)
  - [mir-optim](http://mir-optim.libmir.org)
  - maybe some other packages as well

#### Requirements
  - Full backward compatibility up to the namespace until 
  - Port as it is with minimal changes, including all Mir 
dependencies up to the module level.
  - Port to a separate namespace, something like core.mir/std.mir 
or core.ext/std.ext. The namespace has to be short.
  - Mir libraries must be updated in lockstep to depend on Phobos: 
if a Mir module is ported to Phobos, it must be removed from Mir.
  - All ported public code documentation must be presented on the 
  - If a non-mir module, for example, `std.format`, is reworked 
with mir, it has to add the credentials.
  - All credentials have to be presented (authors, and note that 
it was ported from Mir)
  - We would need approval from other copyright holders for some 
modules. Generally, we have to get approval from Symmetry 
  - Mir code in Phobos has to be frozen from any major rework 
until 2025-12-31. We may add some exceptions. But the general 
rule is to freeze the code.

Walter, please let me know what you think.

ki9ilia on G post

Kind regards,

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