
jmh530 john.michael.hall at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 20:02:27 UTC 2023

On Friday, 30 June 2023 at 18:47:06 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> [snip]
> I assume you mean that you've allocated memory on the D side, 
> like this:
> ```
> auto a = new double[24];
> a[] = 1.6;
> Slice!(double*, 1) s = a.sliced();
> ```
> and you want to pass s to R for further analysis. 
> Unfortunately, that will not work. R functions only work with 
> memory R has allocated. It has a single struct type, so there's 
> no way to pass s in this example to R.

Unfortunate, but understood. Looking at the implementation for 
Vector, the implementation of the constructor and opAssign look 
like it has to copy the data over anyway.

> [snip]
> As much fun as it is to figure these things out, I have never 
> had sufficient time or motivation to do so.

Yeah, that seems like it would be a bit hairy to figure out.

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