Beta 2.103.0

jmh530 john.michael.hall at
Thu Mar 2 16:40:12 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 2 March 2023 at 14:40:04 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.103.0 release, ♥ to 
> the 43 contributors.
> [snip]

I see some typos in the changelog (stars around what I noticed):

(Compiler changes #5)
Up until this release, D had both traits(isVirtualFunction) and 
traits(isVirtualMethod) (and their *coressponding* traits(get...) 
counterpart). The *differenrcte* between the two is that 
isVirtualFunction returns true for final methods that do not 
override anything.

(this sentence is listed for both library change #2 and #3)
As the template constraint is not used to overload the symbol 
template function, the *constrains* are *move* into static 
asserts with expressive error messages.

> - In dub, the `--color` argument now accepts the values `auto`, 
> `never`, and `always`.

Any reason why it doesn't match the options from DMD?

I recall some discussion about how to get the colors working on 
Windows, but it's been a long time and hard to find. It might be 
good to add something like "Here's an example on Windows 1X" to

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