New beginnings - looking for part-time D programming help

Laeeth Isharc laeethnospam at
Thu Mar 23 16:02:46 UTC 2023


For those that didn't hear, I resigned from Symmetry in September 
and my last day was a couple of weeks back.

I don't have any concrete plans yet, but I've agreed not to do 
anything in the hedge fund world for quite some time and I've 
also agreed not to hire anyone that's an employee or consultant 
for Symmetry.

Out of little acorns do great oaks grow and the best beginnings 
are often not much, just a little hobby project.  I sat down in 
early 2014 and wrote down what I called hedge fund in a box - 
what are the things I am going to need to build so I never have 
to worry about them again.  Not always quite in that form, but 
it's remarkable how many of those little beginnings ended up 
coming to fruition in what was an 11bn hedge fund by the time I 

With that said for now I don't have much, just a few ideas about 
how to solve some of my own problems, knowing there's just a 
chance they might be useful down the line to others.

I'm paying out of my own pocket and my budget is modest for now 
so this isn't going to be an opportunity interesting for someone 
currently embedded in big tech !

You can speak to some of the people I hired at Symmetry - if this 
ever becomes anything then I will pay well to very well over 
time.  But you shouldn't bet on it becoming anything at all.  If 
you do good work but nothing comes of it and you're interested in 
getting a job in finance I can help you navigate that world and 
the experience may help you achieve your goals.  But I am not 
sure I would recommend most jobs in finance.

What kind of work?  Initially some scripting in D to integrate 
things and a little bit of work with LLM embeddings and fine 
tuning, STT transcription, classifiers, parsing.  Some 
presentation work - gui or web I don't mind.

What kind of person?  You need to be a talented hacker that's 
interested in learning and accomplishing things.  You don't need 
an impressive CV - my best documentation Dev hire was a Spanish 
baker with no enterprise experience.  (Just the kernel, lol).

What's the vision?  Well I will say more when I can but how 
people do work today in organisations is broken and it's 
miserable and I would like to play a part in transforming that.

Full remote is ideal as I live on an island.  If you happen to 
live near Rennes, Saint Malo or Amsterdam then it's easier for me 
to visit you.

Let me know any questions.

laeeth+reboot at

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