DLF September 2023 Planning Update

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 21:13:34 UTC 2023

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:18:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> ## The future of D
> Robert had been itching to talk about our long-term plans for 
> D. I think most of us understood that he was talking in terms 
> of language features, but in this session, he explained that's 
> not what he meant. D started as a successor to C and C++, but 
> he doesn't see the language that way. He sees it as the best 
> parts of C, Haskell, and Python. Others may see it differently. 
> So how do we define the language going forward? What role do we 
> want it to play? Are we mostly concerned with C-style stuff 
> where every bit counts? Do we see D as a great tool for one-off 
> scripts that would normally be written in something like Python?

D is not and has never been a c replacement language, your not 
Zig, there's a very real dependency on gc(and no @nogc/betterc 
doesn't change that, you have first-class dynamic arrays based on 
the gc) theres a grand total of 3 platforms where d is stable and 
it will never be the portable asm of C; no embedded, no gnu, no 
unix, and no credible aspirations to change that.

D *is* a c++ replacement, c++ isn't very good at its job, and 
while I dont know how somehow aa managed to convince walter to 
merge in lots of quality of life stuff for the template hell. 
Please focus on making the template hell, survivable and either 
take it upon yourself to make the stl or enable its conditions.

D isn't haskell, sumtypes aren't even a first-class abstraction I 
simply don't know what someone could've said that made that on 
the table.

~~python sucks and is irrelevant ~~

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