From the D Blog: Crafting Self-Evident Code in D

sighoya sighoya at
Sat Oct 7 12:37:37 UTC 2023

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 17:28:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> It's been a long, long while since I published anything on the 
> blog. I do intend to get pick it up again down the road, but 
> Walter recently surprised me with plans of his own. He's taken 
> the topic of his DConf '23 talk and derived a blog post from it:
> I guess he got impatient with the pace at which I'm getting the 
> talk videos uploaded :-)
> And for anyone who'd like to engage in any Reddit discussion 
> that comes up:

Thanks, I think we need more of this as D has become a large 
language already.
There were some points I even never considered before.

I disagree however in all binary types should be just boolean.
I prefer machineState=State.On or State.Off than isMachineOn=true 
or false.

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