SerpentOS departs from Dlang

Adam Wilson flyboynw at
Sat Sep 16 09:02:06 UTC 2023

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 21:49:17 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> Ikey seems to still want to use D, so the main driving factor 
> is the contributors, i wonder what are the exact reasons, 
> pseudo memory safety can't be the only reason

I would guess that the following is the bigger problem:

"we don't quite have the resources to also be an upstream for the 
numerous D packages we'd need to create and maintain to get our 
works over the finish line."

This has long been a chicken-egg problem for D. We need more 
packages to attract more users, but we need more users building 
packages before we can attract more users.

DIP1000 is also a bit of marketing problem. We kinda-sorta 
promise that someday you'll be able to build memory safe programs 
without a GC. We need to either push through and get it done, or 
admit we're not actually going to get there and cut it.

I know there are ref-counted languages so theoretically it should 
be workable, but the in a language as complex as D there may be 
dragons on the edges. In any case, we should not be marketing 
something we can't actually do.

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