SerpentOS departs from Dlang

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Sun Sep 17 22:03:06 UTC 2023

The announcement post from Ikey included as its only explicit mention of 
something bad about D itself that DIP1000 was incomplete.

My mention of reference counting as a way to allow for a complete story 
for DIP1000 matched this goal that also matched what other people wanted 

Not everyone has the same priorities, especially when it comes to 
comparing a minor feature that is almost in the language already, to a 
major feature that will take years to complete.

Lets be clear on something, I want sum types. I need sum types for value 
type exceptions which are waiting on only sum types. I do not believe 
that Walter's DIP is complete enough to be a "good" design to further 
this goal.

Disparaging me because I placed a higher priority on something critical 
to my 110k+ LOC code base performance wise, does not aid in your goal of 
the addition of a major feature which pretty much everyone wants at some 

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