// Written in the D programming language. /* * Copyright (C) 2008 by Andrei Alexandrescu * Written by Andrei Alexandrescu, www.erdani.org * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * o The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * o Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not * be misrepresented as being the original software. * o This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. */ import std.getopt, std.string, std.process, std.stdio, std.contracts, std.file, std.algorithm, std.iterator, std.md5, std.path, std.regexp, std.getopt, std.c.stdlib, std.date, std.process; private bool chatty, buildOnly, dryRun, force, showSource; private string exe, compiler = "dmd"; // TODO: should we use these imports as a matter of convenience // in all scripts, not just --eval scripts? private string imports; private string flags; // For --eval immutable string importWorld = " import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array, std.atomics, std.base64, std.bigint, std.bind, /*std.bitarray,*/ std.bitmanip, std.boxer, std.compiler, std.complex, std.contracts, std.conv, std.cpuid, std.cstream, std.ctype, std.date, std.dateparse, std.demangle, std.encoding, std.file, std.format, std.functional, std.getopt, std.intrinsic, std.iterator, /*std.loader,*/ std.math, std.md5, std.metastrings, std.mmfile, std.numeric, std.openrj, std.outbuffer, std.path, std.perf, std.process, std.random, std.range, std.regex, std.regexp, std.signals, std.socket, std.socketstream, std.stdint, std.stdio, std.stdiobase, std.stream, std.string, std.syserror, std.system, std.traits, std.typecons, std.typetuple, std.uni, std.uri, std.utf, std.variant, std.xml, std.zip, std.zlib;"; int main(string[] args) { //writeln("Invoked with: ", map!(q{a ~ ", "})(args)); if (args.length > 1 && std.string.startsWith(args[1], "--shebang ")) { // multiple options wrapped in one auto a = args[1]["--shebang ".length .. $]; args = args[0 .. 1] ~ split(a) ~ args[2 .. $]; } // Continue parsing the command line; now get rdmd's own arguments // parse the -o option void dashOh(string key, string value) { if (value[0] == 'f') { // -ofmyfile passed exe = value[1 .. $]; } else if (value[0] == 'd') { // -odmydir passed // add a trailing path separator to clarify it's a dir exe = std.path.join(value[1 .. $], ""); assert(std.string.endsWith(exe, std.path.sep)); } else if (value[0] == '-') { // -o- passed enforce(false, "Option -o- currently not supported by rdmd"); } else { enforce(false, "Unrecognized option: "~key~value); } } // start the web browser on documentation page void man() { foreach (b; [ std.process.getenv("BROWSER"), "firefox", "sensible-browser", "x-www-browser" ]) { if (!b.length) continue; if (!system(b~" http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/rdmd.html")) return; } } // set by functions called in getopt if program should exit bool bailout, loop; string eval; getopt(args, std.getopt.config.caseSensitive, std.getopt.config.passThrough, std.getopt.config.stopOnFirstNonOption, "build-only", &buildOnly, "chatty", &chatty, "dry-run", &dryRun, "force", &force, "show", (string) { showSource = true; }, "help", (string) { writeln(helpString); bailout = true; }, "man", (string) { man; bailout = true; }, "eval", &eval, "loop", &loop, "o", &dashOh, "compiler", &compiler); if (bailout) return 0; if (dryRun) chatty = true; // dry-run implies chatty // read the config file findcfg(); if (eval) { // Just evaluate this program! if (loop) { return .eval(imports ~ "void main(in char[][] args) { " ~ "foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) { " ~ eval ~ "; } }"); } else { return .eval(imports ~ "void main(in char[][] args) { " ~ eval ~ "; }"); } } // Parse the program line - first find the program to run uint programPos = 1; for (;; ++programPos) { if (programPos == args.length) { write(helpString); return 1; } if (args[programPos].length && args[programPos][0] != '-') break; } const root = /*rel2abs*/(chomp(args[programPos], ".d") ~ ".d"), exeBasename = basename(root, ".d"), programArgs = args[programPos + 1 .. $]; args = args[0 .. programPos]; const compilerFlags = args[1 .. programPos] ~ flags; // Compute the object directory and ensure it exists invariant objDir = getObjPath(root, compilerFlags); if (!dryRun) // only make a fuss about objDir on a real run { exists(objDir) ? enforce(isdir(objDir), "Entry `"~objDir~"' exists but is not a directory.") : mkdir(objDir); } // Fetch dependencies const myModules = getDependencies(root, objDir, compilerFlags); // Compute executable name, check for freshness, rebuild if (exe) { // user-specified exe name if (std.string.endsWith(exe, std.path.sep)) { // user specified a directory, complete it to a file exe = std.path.join(exe, exeBasename); } } else { // On some systems, the temp dir will be mounted noexec // so we should allow a way to specify a temp directory // but this is better than dumping everything in the // current directory exe = std.path.join(tmpDir, exeBasename ~ '.' ~ hash(root, compilerFlags)); } // Have at it if (isNewer(root, exe) || canFind!((string a) {return isNewer(a, exe);})(myModules.keys)) { invariant result = rebuild(root, exe, objDir, myModules, compilerFlags); if (result) return result; } // run return buildOnly ? 0 : execv(exe, [ exe ] ~ programArgs); } bool inALibrary(in string source, in string object) { // Heuristics: if source starts with "std.", it's in a library // This is cruddy and I can't stand to look at it. -cw return std.string.startsWith(source, "std.") || std.string.startsWith(source, "core.") || std.string.startsWith(source, "tango.") || source == "object" || source == "gcstats"; // another crude heuristic: if a module's path is absolute, it's // considered to be compiled in a separate library. Otherwise, // it's a source module. //return isabs(mod); } private string tmpDir() { version (linux) { enum tmpRoot = "/tmp"; } else version (Windows) { auto tmpRoot = std.process.getenv("TEMP"); if (!tmpRoot) { tmpRoot = std.process.getenv("TMP"); if (!tmpRoot) tmpRoot = "."; } } return tmpRoot; } private string hash(in string root, in string[] compilerFlags) { enum string[] irrelevantSwitches = [ "--help", "-ignore", "-quiet", "-v" ]; MD5_CTX context; context.start(); context.update(getcwd); context.update(root); foreach (flag; compilerFlags) { if (canFind(irrelevantSwitches, flag)) continue; context.update(flag); } ubyte digest[16]; context.finish(digest); return digestToString(digest); } private string getObjPath(in string root, in string[] compilerFlags) { const tmpRoot = tmpDir; return std.path.join(tmpRoot, "rdmd-" ~ basename(root) ~ '-' ~ hash(root, compilerFlags)); } // Rebuild the executable fullExe starting from modules myModules // passing the compiler flags compilerFlags. Generates one large // object file. private int rebuild(string root, string fullExe, string objDir, in string[string] myModules, in string[] compilerFlags) { auto todo = compiler~" "~join(compilerFlags, " ") ~" -of"~shellQuote(fullExe) ~" -od"~shellQuote(objDir) ~" "~shellQuote(root)~" "; foreach (k; map!(shellQuote)(myModules.keys)) { todo ~= k ~ " "; } invariant result = run(todo); if (result) { // build failed return result; } // clean up the object file, not needed anymore //remove(std.path.join(objDir, basename(root, ".d")~".o")); // clean up the dir containing the object file rmdirRecurse(objDir); return 0; } // Run a program optionally writing the command line first private int run(string todo) { if (chatty) writeln(todo); if (dryRun) return 0; return system(todo); } // Given module rootModule, returns a mapping of all dependees .d // source filenames to their corresponding .o files sitting in // directory objDir. The mapping is obtained by running dmd -v against // rootModule. private string[string] getDependencies(string rootModule, string objDir, in string[] compilerFlags) { string d2obj(string dfile) { return std.path.join(objDir, chomp(basename(dfile), ".d")~".o"); } // myModules maps module source paths to corresponding .o names string[string] myModules;// = [ rootModule : d2obj(rootModule) ]; // Must collect dependencies invariant depsGetter = compiler~" "~join(compilerFlags, " ") ~" -v -o- "~shellQuote(rootModule); if (chatty) writeln(depsGetter); FILE* depsReader = popen(depsGetter); scope(exit) fclose(depsReader); // Fetch all dependent modules and append them to myModules auto pattern = new RegExp(r"^import\s+(\S+)\s+\((\S+)\)\s*$"); foreach (string line; lines(depsReader)) { if (!pattern.test(line)) continue; invariant moduleName = pattern[1], moduleSrc = pattern[2]; if (inALibrary(moduleName, moduleSrc)) continue; invariant moduleObj = d2obj(moduleSrc); myModules[/*rel2abs*/(moduleSrc)] = moduleObj; } return myModules; } /*private*/ string shellQuote(string filename) { // This may have to change under windows version (Windows) enum quotechar = '"'; else enum quotechar = '\''; return quotechar ~ filename ~ quotechar; } private bool isNewer(string source, string target) { return force || lastModified(source) >= lastModified(target, d_time.min); } private string helpString() { return "Usage: rdmd [RDMD AND DMD OPTIONS]... program [PROGRAM OPTIONS]... Builds (with dependents) and runs a D program. Example: rdmd -release myprog --myprogparm 5 Any option to be passed to dmd must occur before the program name. In addition to dmd options, rdmd recognizes the following options: --build-only just build the executable, don't run it --chatty write dmd commands to stdout before executing them --show if --eval is specified, write out the full source code --compiler=comp use the specified compiler (e.g. gdmd) instead of dmd --dry-run do not compile, just show what commands would be run (implies --chatty) --force force a rebuild even if apparently not necessary --eval=code evaluate code a la perl -e --loop assume \"foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) { ... }\" for eval --help this message --man open web browser on manual page --shebang rdmd is in a shebang line (put as first argument) "; } int eval(string todo) { auto progname = tmpDir~"/eval"; compile(progname, todo, true); return 0; } bool compile(string progname, string program, bool run) { if (showSource) writefln("%s", program); string file = progname ~ ".d"; std.file.write(file, program); scope(exit) std.file.remove(file); string command; if (run) command = format("%s %s -run %s", compiler, flags, file); else command = format("%s %s %s -of %s", compiler, file, flags, progname); return (.run(command) == 0); } version (Windows) { // Conforming to 4.4BSD -- this should be widely available extern(C) DWORD GetModuleFileName(void* ptr, char* buf, DWORD size); string exePath() { DWORD length; char[1024] buf; auto length = GetModuleFileName(null, buf.ptr, buf.length); if (length) return assumeUnique(buf[0..length]); return null; } } version (Posix) { // Conforming to 4.4BSD -- this should be widely available extern(C) size_t readlink(const char* path, char* buf, size_t buflength); string exePath() { char[1024] exe; // linux, darwin, solaris support /proc/self/exe // freebsd is a laggard auto size = readlink("/proc/self/exe".ptr, &exe[0], exe.length); if (size >= 0) { return assumeUnique(exe[0..size]); } return null; } } string exeDirectory() { auto exe = exePath(); if (exe) { auto dir = dirname(exe); return dir; } return null; } void findcfg() { version (Windows) { // TODO: standard search path on Windows? string[] search = []; } else version (Posix) { string[] search = ["/etc/rdmd.conf", "/usr/local/etc/rdmd.conf"]; } if (exeDirectory()) search ~= std.path.join(exeDirectory(), "rdmd.conf"); foreach (loc; search) { if (readcfg(loc)) return; } imports = importWorld; } bool readcfg(string filename) { if (!std.file.exists(filename)) return false; auto contents = cast(string)std.file.read(filename); parse(contents); return true; } void parse(string config) { foreach (i, line; std.string.splitlines(config)) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; auto index = std.string.find(line, '='); if (index <= 0 || index >= line.length) { writefln("Malformed line in config file line %s: %s", i, line); } auto parts = [line[0..index], line[index..$]]; auto name = std.string.strip(line[0..index]); auto value = std.string.strip(line[1 + index..$]); debug(config) writefln("name=%s value=%s", name, value); switch (name) { case "compiler": debug(config) writefln("setting compiler (%s)", value); compiler = value; break; case "import": debug(config) writefln("adding import (%s)", value); imports ~= value ~ ", "; break; case "flags": debug(config) writefln("setting flags (%s)", value); flags = value; break; default: } } if (imports.length) imports = "import " ~ imports[0..$-2] ~ ";"; else imports = importWorld; }