Buggy inline assembler

Unknown W. Brackets unknown at simplemachines.org
Wed Aug 23 00:33:29 PDT 2006

What version of TASM are you using?  Is it producing an old DOS 
executable or a Win32 one?


> "The problem has nothing to do with the inline assembler. You can use
> OBJ2ASM to verify that the correct instructions are generated. The
> problem is that executing IN and OUT instructions under Win32 will
> generated an operating system exception."...Walter.
> Thanks Walter for your answer, you're almost right, executing IN and OUT in Win32
> throws exceptions BUT why if i insert this code into TASM it works perfect?
> .model small
> .stack
> .data
> string1 db"hello world$"
> .code
> start:
> mov al, 182;
> out 43h, al;
> mov AX, 4560;
> out 42h, AL;
> mov AL, AH;
> out 42h, AL;
> in AL, 61h;
> or AL, 3h;
> out 61h, AL;
> in AL, 61h;
> and AL, 252;
> out 42h, AL;
> end start
> This code does not do anything, it's just for testing in/out to ports.
> Heinz

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