Bugzilla product name changes (was Re: Compiler internal error)

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Sun Dec 17 19:14:40 PST 2006

Brad Roberts wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:

> I did a bit of renaming since the version of bugzilla I use doesn't 
> provide sort order control (didn't go digging into more recent 
> versions).  The old 'GDC' product is now 'DGCC aka GDC' to help sort it 
> better.  I also renamed 'd.puremagic.com' to 'puremagic.com' for similar 
> reasons.  Lastly, I disabled the TestProduct.  That leaves the list 
> looking something like:
>> Enter Issue     First, you must pick a product on which to enter an 
>> issue.
>> D:         The DigitalMars D compiler and its various components
>> DGCC aka GDC:     The D frontend for GCC
>> DStress:     Bugs and feature tracking for the dstress system itself
>> puremagic.com: Issues related to the hosting of bugzilla or anything 
>> else the d related stuff at *.puremagic.com
> Later,
> Brad

Much better!  Thanks.


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