Internal error: e2ir.c 736 dmd0.147

BCS BCS_member at
Sun Feb 19 15:54:24 PST 2006

In article <e42jc3-6h7.ln1 at>, Thomas Kuehne says...
>> I ask because case B and D should compile (or fail gracefully) and from what I 
>> can tell they are marked as "shouldn't compile".
>For clarification I've replaced "uint" with "size_t".
>I'm not sure how they could succeed to compile without memory exhaustion and
>thus fail gracefully at compile time(hence: nocompile).
>Granted, an advanced compiler might be able to compile the given tests
>with 2 instead of size_t.max template instance - not sure how to fool
>that kind of compiler.
My point is that they are both (in theory) legal code and thus should nether
crash DMD or generate a syntax error. In reality, nether can be expected to
actually compile, but DMD should give some sort of rational error message like
"Internal template recursion limit exceeded: Quitting".

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