Required to link windows header modules (?)

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Sun Jun 11 16:46:55 PDT 2006

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 05:55:18 +1000, Sean Kelly <sean at> wrote:

>>  Then what you meant about Build "isn't able to detect if a module is a  
>> "header" module" ?
> It isn't able to by itself--you have to tell it.  And while I'm not  
> certain DMD could do better, I'd like to believe so.

The problem as I see it is how any anyone or anything know that a module  
is a 'hesder' module. The only two clear cut signals are a module that has  
*zero* implementation details or the module is presented as a .di file.  
The first signal could be detectable by Build and the second one currently  
is. But that doesn't handle other 'header' modules that don't fit into  
these two categories. That is why I adopted the simple method of having  
the coder put in the pragma to identify a module as a 'header' type.

Can you give me the algorithm to use to detect that a module is a 'header'  
or not? Maybe if I had such an algorithm I might be able to implement it.
Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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