Documentation bugs

Jari-Matti Mäkelä jmjmak at
Tue Mar 7 16:08:11 PST 2006

1. The following anchor does not work. There is one # too much.

2. There's no mention about class templates
(e.g. class foo(type) { ... }) on

3. There aren't any examples of classes that inherit from super classes
/ interfaces with protection attributes. In fact I don't even know how
and why they should work (maybe the way C++ uses them?). E.g.

 class foo : private bar { ... }

Walter, please don't go the c++ way here. That would make the current
interfaces totally useless. E.g.

 interface foo { void fn(); }
 class bar : private foo { private void fn() { ..implementation.. } }
 foo a = new bar();

would become illegal.

4. One other question - what are the hard limits of DMD? For example,
how many objects of a class can be instantiated at most? We have made a
suffix tree -algorithm that generates a huge amount of objects. I think
the compiler introduces some limits, since the algorithm segfaults only
after about >300 identical successful runs - the amount of successful
identical runs before segfault decreases when the tree depth increases.
It segfaults on the following code:

class Node {
  Node[char] children;
  char[] label;

  void fn(char[] s) {
    assert(s !is null);
    assert(s.length > 0);
    assert(s[0] in children);
    auto a = children[s[0]];
    assert(a !is null);
    char[] l = a.label;  // segfault exactly here
    assert(l != null);

The segfault shouldn't be possible since all objects all guaranteed to
be properly allocated from the heap. We don't use any explicit memory
management. I can post the whole source if needs be.


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