imports - 2 years later

Ant duitoolkit at
Wed Mar 8 13:39:34 PST 2006

Regan Heath wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 19:35:22 +0000, Ant <duitoolkit at> wrote:
>> Walter, we still have:
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> gtk/TextBuffer.d(88): import gtk.TextBuffer.std conflicts with 
>> gtk.TextChildAnchor.std at gtk/TextChildAnchor.d(46)
>> these are both private import std.string;
>> the interesting thing is that I had a
>> private import std.c.stdio;
>> in one module that would supply std.string to a bunch of other modules
>> well, I know you cannot do anything about this
>> and I know I cannot reduce this problem... but it's better than 2 year 
>> ago! :)
> If you post the code here someone else might have a go at reducing it.
> Regan

:) !

linux 0.148 wait, let me grad 149... yep some with 149


move the imports in src/gtk/TextBuffer.d to the module level
	private import std.stdarg;
	private import std.string;

from the src dir compile the duitGtk lib with (change the absolute dirs at the end):

dmd gtk/AboutDialog.d gtk/AccelGroup.d gtk/AccelLabel.d gtk/AccelMap.d gtk/Accessible.d 
gtk/Action.d gtk/ActionGroup.d gtk/Adjustment.d gtk/Alignment.d gtk/Arrow.d 
gtk/AspectFrame.d gtk/Bin.d gtk/BindingSet.d gtk/Box.d gtk/Button.d gtk/ButtonBox.d 
gtk/Calendar.d gtk/CellEditable.d gtk/CellLayout.d gtk/CellRenderer.d 
gtk/CellRendererCombo.d gtk/CellRendererPixbuf.d gtk/CellRendererProgress.d 
gtk/CellRendererText.d gtk/CellRendererToggle.d gtk/CellView.d gtk/CheckButton.d 
gtk/CheckMenuItem.d gtk/Clipboard.d gtk/ColorButton.d gtk/ColorSelection.d 
gtk/ColorSelectionDialog.d gtk/ComboBox.d gtk/ComboBoxEntry.d gtk/Container.d gtk/Curve.d 
gtk/Dialog.d gtk/DragAndDrop.d gtk/DrawingArea.d gtk/Duit.d gtk/Editable.d gtk/Entry.d 
gtk/EntryCompletion.d gtk/EventBox.d gtk/Expander.d gtk/FileChooser.d 
gtk/FileChooserButton.d gtk/FileChooserDialog.d gtk/FileChooserWidget.d gtk/FileFilter.d 
gtk/FileSelection.d gtk/Fixed.d gtk/FontButton.d gtk/FontSelection.d 
gtk/FontSelectionDialog.d gtk/Frame.d gtk/GCs.d gtk/GammaCurve.d gtk/HBox.d 
gtk/HButtonBox.d gtk/HPaned.d gtk/HRuler.d gtk/HScale.d gtk/HScrollbar.d gtk/HSeparator.d 
gtk/HandleBox.d gtk/IMContext.d gtk/IMContextSimple.d gtk/IMMulticontext.d gtk/IconInfo.d 
gtk/IconSource.d gtk/IconTheme.d gtk/IconView.d gtk/Idle.d gtk/Image.d gtk/ImageMenuItem.d 
gtk/InputDialog.d gtk/Invisible.d gtk/Item.d gtk/ItemFactory.d gtk/Label.d gtk/Layout.d 
gtk/ListStore.d gtk/MainWindow.d gtk/Menu.d gtk/MenuBar.d gtk/MenuItem.d gtk/MenuShell.d 
gtk/MenuToolButton.d gtk/MessageDialog.d gtk/Misc.d gtk/Notebook.d gtk/ObjectGtk.d 
gtk/Paned.d gtk/Plug.d gtk/Progress.d gtk/ProgressBar.d gtk/RadioAction.d 
gtk/RadioButton.d gtk/RadioMenuItem.d gtk/RadioToolButton.d gtk/Range.d gtk/RcStyle.d 
gtk/Ruler.d gtk/Scale.d gtk/Scrollbar.d gtk/ScrolledWindow.d gtk/Selections.d 
gtk/Separator.d gtk/SeparatorMenuItem.d gtk/SeparatorToolItem.d gtk/Settings.d 
gtk/Signals.d gtk/SizeGroup.d gtk/Socket.d gtk/SpinButton.d gtk/StandardEnumerations.d 
gtk/Statusbar.d gtk/StockItem.d gtk/Style.d gtk/Table.d gtk/TearoffMenuItem.d 
gtk/TextAttributes.d gtk/TextBuffer.d gtk/TextChildAnchor.d gtk/TextIter.d gtk/TextMark.d 
gtk/TextTag.d gtk/TextTagTable.d gtk/TextView.d gtk/Timeout.d gtk/ToggleAction.d 
gtk/ToggleButton.d gtk/ToggleToolButton.d gtk/ToolButton.d gtk/ToolItem.d gtk/Toolbar.d 
gtk/Tooltips.d gtk/TreeDragSource.d gtk/TreeIter.d gtk/TreeModel.d gtk/TreeModelFilter.d 
gtk/TreeModelSort.d gtk/TreeNode.d gtk/TreePath.d gtk/TreeRowReference.d 
gtk/TreeSelection.d gtk/TreeSortable.d gtk/TreeStore.d gtk/TreeView.d gtk/TreeViewColumn.d 
gtk/Types.d gtk/UIManager.d gtk/VBox.d gtk/VButtonBox.d gtk/VPaned.d gtk/VRuler.d 
gtk/VScale.d gtk/VScrollbar.d gtk/VSeparator.d gtk/Version.d gtk/Viewport.d gtk/Widget.d 
gtk/Window.d gtk/WindowGroup.d gtk/typedefs.d  lib/Loader.d  lib/paths.d  lib/gtk.d 
-c -gc -od/home/ruimt/devel/D1/Duit/obj/src -op

wc src/*/*.d
165810  715148 5459708 total

wc src/gtk/*.d
75926  312346 2279989 total

but mostly comments

This is a big problem for D that Walter chooses to attribute low priority.


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