compiler message cannot convert GType to GType

Ant duitoolkit at
Sun Mar 12 15:20:30 PST 2006

Brad Roberts wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2006, Ant wrote:
>> Ant wrote:
>>> gobject/ObjectG.d(389): cannot implicitly convert expression (objectType) of
>>> type GType to GType
>>> All unhelpful compiler message should be marked as high priority bugs.
>>> this one is just an example
>>> Ant
>> Walter, I didn't realized it until now but, as 2 years ago,
>> I'm spending as much time fighting dmd as I am actually using it... :(
>> hey, but I'm still using it, I didn't go back to c++ ;)
>> Ant
> Produce a test case that doesn't involve having to download packages and 
> examine hundreds or thousands of lines of code, and chances are the 
> problem _will_ be fixed.  In this case, you've neither given any 
> indication of what the code actually is, where/how to get it, or how to 
> reproduce the problem.

that was not my intention, I just want to say that Walter should change
the priority he is given to dumb compiler message.

(You could question my choice of posting on the bugs group.)


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