gtk/CellLayout.d(52): import gtk.CellLayout.std conflicts with gtk.CellRenderer.std at gtk/CellRenderer.d(59)

Ant duitoolkit at
Sun Mar 19 18:30:10 PST 2006

Ant wrote:
> gobject/ObjectG.d(389): cannot implicitly convert expression 
> (objectType) of type GType to GType
> All unhelpful compiler message should be marked as high priority bugs.
> this one is just an example
> Ant

gtk/CellLayout.d(52): import gtk.CellLayout.std conflicts with 
gtk.CellRenderer.std at gtk/CellRenderer.d(59)

Please Walter...
What did the compiler found?


I'm not complaining about this specific case.
I'm just asking that the compiler messages problem  be attributed a 
higher priority.

I promise this is the last post I made on this.

I'm going to grep around just to find something the compiler already 
knows :(


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