std.perf functions unintuitive (windows version)

nobody_ spam at spam.spam
Thu Nov 23 13:01:30 PST 2006

timer.start() initializes a timer and saves the starting 'tick' and 
timer.periodCount() returns ending tick - starting tick, but the ending tick 
is only initialized when timer.close() is called.
timer.stop() saves ending 'tick'

timer.second()/millisecond()/microsecond() all depend on periodCount() thus 
have no meaning untill stop() is called.

My suggestion is :
remove timer.stop()
add timer.remove(), which removes the instance of the timer (gives you back 
that few bytes used :D)
make periodCount() like this:

interval_type periodCount()
    return m_end - m_start;

This way timer.second()/millisecond()/microsecond() all make meaning the 
whole time ;)

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