Wrong implicit delegate conversion?

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Fri Feb 23 16:18:12 PST 2007

Manfred Nowak wrote:
> Here a delegate from class C seems to be implicitely converted to a 
> delegate of the module.
> import std.stdio;
> alias void delegate( int , inout int) GETTER;
> class C{
>   int i=3;
>   GETTER getter(){
>     return delegate void(int i, inout int o){ o= 2*this.i;};
>   }
>  }
> void main(){
>   auto c= new C;
>   int i=0;
>   c.getter()(0,i);
>   writefln( i); //works: outputs 6
>   GETTER q= c.getter(); // implicit conversion?
>   q(0, i);
>   writefln( i); //random result
> }

First off, on my machine (DMD/Linux):
urxae at urxae:~/tmp$ dmd -run test.d

The delegate isn't one 'of' the class. It's 'of' the C.getter() stack 
frame, which means it's invalid after the getter() function returned. 
*Never*[1] return a delegate literal from a function. Unpredictable 
results will follow.

And what exactly do you mean by "a delegate of the module"? AFAIK there 
is no such thing.

[1]: Well, at least not until Walter implements full closures that 
capture local variables.

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