AA of AAs -- ArrayBoundsError

nobody nobody at mailinator.com
Mon Oct 29 08:43:13 PDT 2007

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:
> nobody wrote:
>> The following code results in an ArrayBoundsError with my v1.015 compiler:
>>   typedef size_t IA;
>>   typedef size_t IB;
>>   typedef uint V;
>>   void main(char[][] args)
>>   {
>>     V[IB] [IA] test;
>>     test[cast(IA) test.length]
>>       [cast(IB) test[cast(IA) test.length].length] =
>>     cast(V) (test.length * test[cast(IA) test.length].length);
>>   }
> The problem is on the right hand side of the assignment, namely on the access
> test[cast(IA) test.length]. The AA test is empty, so retrieving any element will
> fail with an ArrayBoundsError.
> Assign test[1][1] = something; first, and then it will work. (1, because
> test.length will be 1 after the assignment.)

I really messed up the example. You are correct that my example 
should not work. However, both the following add functions fail 
when I think they shouldn't:

   import std.stdio;

   typedef size_t I;
   struct Si { uint val; }
   struct Sa
     Si[I][I] table;

     void add(I i, Si si)
       table[i][cast(I) table[i].length] =  si;

   struct Sb
     Si[][I] table;

     void add(I i, Si si)
       if(table[i] is null)
         table[i] = new Si[0];

       table[i].length = table[i].length + 1;
       table[i][table[i].length - 1] = si;


   void main(char[][] args)
     Si si;
     Sa sa;
       sa.add(cast(I) 17, si);
     } catch(Error e)
       writef("Sa failed\n");

     Sb sb;
       sb.add(cast(I) 17, si);
     } catch(Error e)
       writef("Sb failed\n");
Sa failed
SB failed

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